Unlink of file failed. should i try again

In my case, it was because I was running Git from a non-elevated command line. For me, it was because Visual Studio was trying to reload all of the changed files from the pull. Have visual studio refresh, then run git gc. Maybe because the UE has a handle on the old version of specific file, Git could not unlink of it. None of the above answers ain't work for me, but I run git gc command with force option, and it solved my case.

The problem is because you're having some program that handling these files. I have an suggestion that you should use the Unlocker to find the program that's handling it:. I have had this happen on Windows XP, both with the message stuck in a loop, and being able to be cleared by replying.

The stuck-in-a-loop occurence was cleared by closing the Git-GUI. I was running git merge -i in a bash shell. The other occurences happened possibly due to the large number of files in my repository. It happened mainly with. I do have a reason for intially tracking them. I believe the cause might be related to the rate at which Git uses file handles.

I wonder if the able-to-be-cleared-by-replying problem is Windows related, as two previous posters have mentioned Windows, and no one has said they have the problem with other operating systems. I had the same issue and I closed all the related programs from Window Task Manager.

However, it was still not working. The interesting part is that I ran "Git rebase" instead of "Git pull" and it worked! Try running command line editor in administrative mode and run command. It helps and solves problem. In my case I had an old method of pruning tags causing the issue. I solved it by unsetting the original:. I faced the same error and resolved it by closing the eclipse and pulling again as the file was being used. How are we doing? Please help us improve Stack Overflow. Take our short survey.

Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Unlink of file failed Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 7 months ago. Active 1 year, 10 months ago.

Viewed k times. Should I try again? Improve this question. Bugalugs Nash 1 1 gold badge 5 5 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges. Did you check if you have the rights to write to that file?

Unlink of file Should I try again? Possible duplicate of Git rebase got 'unlink of file failed' error — aneroid. Show 4 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. This could mean that another program is using the file, which is preventing git from "moving" the file into or out of the working directory when you are attempting to change branches. I have had this happen on Windows Vista where eclipse is the program "using" the file. The file may not be actually open in eclipse but may have been opened by a process run by eclipse.

In this event, try closing the file in any applications that might have used it. If that doesn't work, completely exit any applications which may have opened the file. I had this issue and solved it by the command : git gc The above command remove temp and unnecessary files. Garbage collector. This is a Windows specific answer, so I'm aware that it's not relevant to you I'm just including it for the benefit of future searchers. In my case, it was because I was running Git from a non-elevated command line.

In my case there are no processes touching the file or directory. Maybe it happens if the path is very long, because an operating system restriction windows. Try enabling the longpath support flag in the global git configuration as indicated below:. Close your IDE mine was Eclipse, not sure if it applies to Intellij and others or any other app that might be using git. Open git from the command line in my case I had git bash and run git gc as mentioned by others.

As i am using gitkraken and command prompt, i ran into the same issue. And then i run git gc command it resolved my problem. So i am happy and want share some of the points which might be helpful. From doc , users are encouraged to run this task on a regular basis within each repository to maintain good disk space utilization and good operating performance.

Some git commands may automatically run git gc; see the --auto flag below for details. I had this kind of issue on Windows 7 and it turned out to be due to some orphaned git.

Since git commands are short-lived, you should normally never see any git. When they are there, it usually means something is wrong, and you should kill those processes. In my case Win8. Killing it allowed me to run "git gc" without any more problems. The above process is fired up by TortoiseGit, so there is no need to manually restart it. I got this problem in Windows. It worked.

On Windows 8: I ran git gc and it said git gc was already running, I ran git gc --force and the garbage collector ran. I had this issue with. I think something had failed during a push or pull, so I removed these temporary files and reset the HEAD to my last commit. Not sure if this is advised but it worked for me. Also git count-objects -v gave me a list of the.

I faced same issue while doing 'git pull'. I tried manual housekeeping git command 'git gc' and it resolved my problem. Because another program is using this file. For example, when I run Java web application in debug model or run web application on server, I can't delete log file. Turn off application sever or turn off debug process , re-try. As stated above, something else is holding the files. Thing is that program doesnt look suspicious for us. I was trying to do a git pull from console, while having GitKraken opened.

Closing GitKraken fixed the problem. If you're using Docker and running Windows 10, you may want to stop the container s where the file may be running at. To show the statuses of your containers, run. I ran into this issue running git Bash and Eclipse EGit at the same time. Solution: close Eclipse. Also wouldn't hurt to run git gc as khilo mentioned. After none of the above answers seemed to work, running git fetch -p did the job for me.

I ran into this issue in Windows, you might want to run the git bash as an administrator and then perform the desire commands, that solved the issue for me. If you are developing a web application, a common reason is to forget shutting down the server. For example this could be a simple Node. I tried every single tip on this page and nothing helped. I couldn't reset to the latest commit. What helped was checking out another branch and then checking out the previous branch. Very strange but it solved the problem.

If closing your IDE and running various git commands listed here won't help, try manually killing all running Java processes. I had a Java process probably left over from eclipse that somehow kept a configuration file open.

Something wrong is going on with one of the files in my local git repository. When I'm trying to change the branch it says:.

This could mean that another program is using the file, which is preventing git from "moving" the file into or out of the working directory when you are attempting to change branches. I have had this happen on Windows Vista where eclipse is the program "using" the file.

The file may not be actually open in eclipse but may have been opened by a process run by eclipse. In this event, try closing the file in any applications that might have used it. If that doesn't work, completely exit any applications which may have opened the file.

That usually means a process is still using that specific file still has an handle on it on Windows, ProcessExplorer is good at tracking that kind of process. That should be even more fixed, with Git 2. This has been corrected. See commit 5bdece0 15 Dec by Johannes Schindelin dscho.

Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit f8f, 18 Jan On Windows, files cannot be removed nor renamed if there are still handles held by a process.

Earlier, we made sure that the packs are released just before git gc is spawned, in case that gc wants to remove no-longer needed packs.


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