Can you leave lawn mower in the rain

After running the mower, take out the air filter, clean it, and dry it out. If you have a hard time getting your mower to start, try draining the gas and oil, as you really want the mower to be completely dry before running it again.

You may need to insert a new spark plug. Also, check to see if the coil inside the lawn mower is rusted from the rain. If this is the case, remove the coil and clean it with sandpaper and a wire brush. If it does, then repeat the procedure until the engine turns over, or try to start. The heat that the engine generates will dry out the internal components.

Once the engine runs, stop it and put in the new, dry air filter. Afterward, the mower should be operational. If your mower was in the rain for an extended period, then its internal components are wet and its gasoline is probably contaminated.

In addition to removing the spark plug and filters, drain the gas from the fuel tank and carburetor, and dry out both of them before putting fresh gas in the fuel tank. In addition, disconnect the fuel hoes and replace the fuel filter. One quick way to dry out those engine components is to spray them with dry compressed air. Another way is to spray them with a volatile cleaning solvent, such as carburetor cleaner.

Also, make sure that the gap between the spark plug and the electrode is appropriate and leave it to air dry. When ready, place the spark plug back in and see if the mower will start. Inspect the condition of the air filter. Depending on its condition, you may need to dry it out and clean it or completely replace it with a new and clean air filter.

When you are ready, try starting the mower again. It is very easy to spot the water in the gas as it will be forming tiny bubbles. The only difference is that water is heavier than gas, so it will be staying at the bottom. If you find any water, this is going to be one of the worst-case scenarios as it means that you will have to take apart almost every part of the mower like the top cover, fuel tank, air filter, and the carburetor.

Clean and leave the mower and the parts to air out and dry. Refill the fuel tank with new and fresh gas. Make sure that the gas you are using has not been contaminated with water as well. When ready, give it another try. There are a few sure-fire signs that the fuel of your lawn mower has been contaminated with water. The problem comes from the fact that water usually sinks to the bottom of the fuel tank, and this is where the motor typically draws its fuel from.

If you notice that your lawn mower does not perform as usual, lacks power and acceleration, you may be dealing with some small amounts of water which may have accumulated in the fuel tank or carburetor.

If the lawn mower frequently dies out under load or it just shuts down out of nowhere, one of the reasons for that may be small amounts of water accumulating in the fuel tank or at the bottom of the carburetor as well. Unfortunately, lawn mowers are not waterproof. The thing is that the terms waterproof and water-resistant are frequently mixed up and used interchangeably. This is not good because water-resistant devices can be damaged by water too, given enough exposure to it.


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