I think you can go either way and it look really good:. Your current grout looks great, as does the rest of your lovely kitchen. I see what chispa is talking about. That would bug me, a lot. There are two rows where the offset is not consistent with the others. The first one is just above the bottoms of the upper cabinets above the range , and the second one is the top row of full tiles below the hood.
If you don't know what we're talking about, then never mind and enjoy your kitchen! Regardless of what we notice, your backsplash is gorgeous.
I don't know I asked my contractor to match the color. I should have been more on top of it. You could cover it with a darker colored grout colorant which will also seal the grout Here is a link that might be useful: Aquamix grout colorant.
Ritamay the tile is called Ulvio by Woodland Tile. You'll see from 1 that this thread completely changed the way I look at colorants, and since this thread, I'll swear by them: Here is a link that might be useful: Using Grout Colorant. Related Stories. If your grout is grossing you out, this deep-cleaning method will help it look new again. Use the kitchens that have been added to the most ideabooks in the last few months to inspire your dream project. Heading into darker territory, subway tile offers a graphic new look for kitchens, bathrooms and more.
By Lizzie Post. By Mitchell Parker. Step 3 in swapping your tub for a sleek new shower: Pick the right tile and test it out, then choose your grout color and type. TILE Epoxy vs. Cement Grout — What's the Difference? By By Any Design Ltd. Grout is grout, right? Cement and epoxy versions have different appearances, durability and rules of installation.
Get your grout right to keep your tile beautiful and for an installation that will last. Here's How By Laura Gaskill. Feed your creativity and reduce distractions with the right work surfaces, the right chair, and a good balance of sights and sounds. Quartzite seams? Building new home and need cabinets that go with natural oak floors 1. Select personalised content. Create a personalised content profile. Measure ad performance. Select basic ads. Create a personalised ads profile.
Select personalised ads. Apply market research to generate audience insights. Measure content performance. Develop and improve products. List of Partners vendors. Project Overview. Tip When changing the color of existing grout, you usually get the best results when changing to a darker color.
Featured Video. How to Change Grout With Colorant At one time, it was quite hard to change the color of grout that had already been sealed, but today's colorant products do a very good job of changing the color of grout lines on any type of grout, even if it has already been sealed. Tip The colorant product usually recommends a specific grout cleaner for this preparation step.
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Advertiser Disclosure. The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which The Spruce receives compensation. Related Topics.
Bathroom Tile Kitchen Tile. Show Full Article. Your Privacy Rights. To change or withdraw your consent choices for TheSpruce. At any time, you can update your settings through the "EU Privacy" link at the bottom of any page. These choices will be signaled globally to our partners and will not affect browsing data. Anyway, he used a grout stain from Home Depot and it came out fine.
The stain also seals the grout. Ask the tile setter to do that for you and I think both of you will be happy. Removing the grout and starting over is a lot of work and may not get it any better.
Joined: Jan Joined: Jul Central Jersey. So, you have three possibilities Too much water, either when the grout was mixed or more likely, during cleanup.
The cleanup sponge should feel no more than slightly damp and continuously wrung out with clean water. It could be a case of a bit of both. In that case, you could use a grout stain to stain the grout to the desired color. You could use a grout colorant which is an acrylic grout paint. These work nicely in that they not only recolor the grout but also act as a sealer.
Being topical, they do eventually wear off, but that's over many years, not an annual type of routine. You could also have a good old fashioned case of efflorecence if you have a high mineral content in your water. Rinse and clean up the water with either a shop vac or a towel. Being that the installer is not employed to do chemical analysis of your water, unless it came out of your faucets and was tinted gold or brown or smelled so bad of chlorine that you had to ventilate the room, you shouldn't hold that against him.
I prefer the results of the former over the latter. You will not be able to use an enhancer or colorant or stain over grout that is already sealed. Outside chance you have latex migration, but since your grout is turning the color you want when wet, I doubt that's the problem. Now if it's splotchy in color consistancy and remains splotchy when wet, it could be the result of thinset too high into the grout lines, failure to mix the dry grout first to ensure even distribution of the colorant, both of which are installer error, or it could be a situation where there is inconsistant curing, such as one spot getting hit by a lot of sunlight and oneother area by a drafty door or a floor vent.
Uneven temps over the install can cause varing rates of cure that affect the color consistancy as well. Thanks everyone for your comments. I asked the owner today what he thought about the grout stain idea, and he agreed that it would probably give a better result than the sealer, so has ordered it for me. Like I have all the time in the world to do that, not to mention I have never done it before.
It is causing HUGE inconvenience to my entire family, having most of the first floor torn up and unable to be used while I wait for the stain to arrive and figure out some time to do it when this entire job should have been finished last weekend. I'm sorry, but it is not professional to not stand behind your work. I am not trying to get him to spend more money, I am trying to get my floors to look the way he said they would when I placed the order.
I really don't think that is too much to ask. I think that a few of the issues mentioned in the last paragraph may have contributed to the problem high thinset, grout not mixed well.
I am hoping the grout stain takes care of it. Thanks again to everyone for all your suggestions! Sorry, missed the part in your first post about his initial attitude. It is not unusual for the grout to be a tad lighter than the color charts, but thats a tad, within a shade. If you want to stick to neutrals, there are a variety of colours available, including traditional white and black, as well as grey, cream or brown.
Grey is one of the most versatile colours because it goes with everything. Therefore most colour variations of grout will go with your grey tiles.
It depends on the finish you want. If you have dark grey tiles, you may want to contrast this with a light grout, such as cream. Alternately, if you have light grey tiles, a black or very dark grey grout would look lovely. As grout dries, it can change colour. You may have found that what was once a cream has now turned to an off-white. Before you start to grout your walls, apply a small amount to a tile sample if you have one available.
If your grout has dried much lighter than you anticipated, you could apply an enhancing sealer.