Why is madagascar being deforested

The sale of sustainable forest products can also produce an income for the people of Madagascar without destroying the land that they depend on. For instance, many plants found only in rainforests hold important medicinal values, including many that have been found to have anticancer properties.

If ecotourism is properly managed, such an industry can be a significant source of income for the people of Madagascar and can help to protect habitat. Park entrance fees, wildlife guides, souvenirs, park rangers, and hotels, restaurants and lodges are just a few possible ecotourism opportunities to generate income for local communities. In the s, the government of Madagascar created a National Environmental Action Plan to help preserve the remaining environment in Madagascar.

The plan included actions to halt environmental destruction, poverty reduction, the creation of biodiversity in parks and reserves, and develop plans to sustainably manage natural resources and ecotourism [2]. Although more work needs to be done to preserve the natural resources and habitat of Madagascar, the nation has a good start to ensuring that the natural resources of Madagascar will be sustainably managed for the future and for its people.

Greentumble was founded in the summer of by us, Sara and Ovi. We are a couple of environmentalists who seek inspiration for life in simple values based on our love for nature. If you continue to navigate this website beyond this page, cookies will be placed on your browser. To learn more about cookies, click here. Madagascar is doing its part in the global fight against climate change, as we are in this together.

The Masoala Peninsula is one of Madagascar's last great places. Pushing out like a nose from Madagascar's northeast coast, the peninsula harbors one of the few remaining large areas of lowland rain forest on Madagascar, including habitat for the red-ruffed lemur, known only from Masoala, and for many endemic bird species extremely rare in other parts of the island for example, the serpent eagle, the red owl, the helmet vanga, the scaly and short-legged ground rollers.

Here, diverse and beautiful forests meet white sand beaches, mangroves, fringing coral reef, and oceans and bays provide breeding habitat for humpback whales, dolphins and sea turtles. Coral reefs found around Masoala are some of the most pristine and diverse that Madagascar has to offer.

As part of the National Environmental Action Plan, Madagascar's government had decided to establish a park in the area. With more than 3, square kilometers to choose from, the big question was how to design the park so as to protect the diverse marine and terrestrial biota and simultaneously provide for the needs of the 45, human inhabitants.

From to , the Malagasy government and a consortium of international organizations including the Wildlife Conservation Society, CARE International Madagascar, and the Peregrine Fund developed a plan for the park's design that would balance the needs of wildlife and people. After researching the situation, the group found that the most important areas for biological diversity were those that were also least accessible.

These areas were included within the park. The accessible areas were not included in the park, encouraging sustainable development by allowing locals to harvest timber and non-timber forest products. For example, the Masoala Project is now developing a community-based enterprise to grow rain forest butterflies and sell them to butterfly zoos around the world.

These areas could then provide non-destructive livelihoods for local people, maintaining the forests around the park as a rich source of natural resources and a buffer to the park. Castel and Coca-Cola did not respond to requests for comment. Most went to feed cattle, he said. Environment Updated.


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