Felix why golden sun

Obaba is, in fact, a descendant of the ancient Ankohl culture, and is the master of a great forge handed down by her ancestors. If Felix's group has collected the three prongs to the Trident of Ankohl, they surprise Obaba when they present her with the pieces, which she is able to identify as pieces of a weapon that Ankohl legends claim will allow its wielder to no longer fear anything of the sea.

She is all too happy to use the forge and reconstruct the Trident into a complete weapon, and says that all her training in the ways of the forge was specifically for this one purpose of reforging this one weapon. With the Trident now in their possession, Felix and his friends now have the means to enter the Sea of Time, defeat Poseidon, and make it to Lemuria.

Felix and his group sail their ship into the Sea of Time, this time knowing and navigating a correct course through the obstacle course of stone crags that surround the area. As expected, the massive, mighty, but bestial Poseidon himself surfaces and attacks the Adepts on their ship. With the help of the Trident, the Adepts are able to battle Poseidon on equal terms, and eventually defeat him in a spectacular battle.

Now, they sail into the heart of the Sea of Time where the island society of Lemuria, Piers's home, awaits. Felix's group docks at Lemuria, and Piers is able to convince the guards to allow the group entry into the city. Here, Kraden decides to explain his theory about Alchemy that he previously mentioned at Champa, and he is quite surprised to hear that both Lunpa and the Lemurian King Hydros have had the exact same thoughts: Alchemy is the commodity which allows civilization to advance and thrive.

However, the various cultures and modern-day settlements Felix's group has come across in their travels are clearly incapable of constructing the great sanctums and lighthouses they have explored and looted; this is because they were built long, long ago in Weyard's ancient past , back in a far more magnificent age of civilization when Alchemy was unbound and available to the people.

Civilization has disintegrated and deteriorated over the ages to become what the world's cultures are today, as a direct result of the seal placed on Alchemy at the end of the lost age of man. Lunpa surprises Kraden, however, by saying that this is not the only symptom of decay that the seal on Alchemy has caused The Adepts and Lunpa arrange for an audience with King Hydros in his palace.

Hydros first reveals that he originally tasked Piers to sail out of Lemuria, explore the world, and eventually return to Lemuria with a report; of course, neither of them counted on Poseidon suddenly returning from the depths of the Sea of Time which was prompted in response to the activation of Mercury and Venus Lighthouses and generating the tidal wave, but it was thanks to Felix's group that Piers has made it back to Lemuria.

As to what it was that Piers was investigating, Hydros displays and compares a map of Weyard as it was in the world's ancient past and modern-day maps which Piers was able to validate; it is clear that the continents in the modern day are broken up and much smaller. A shocking conclusion is drawn: The world of Weyard has been physically withering and decreasing in size over the ages because of the absence of Alchemy, a force which effectively "sustains" the world like nourishment.

Though nobody can be sure that Alchemy won't outright destroy the world as soon as its released, everyone is now certain that the world will eventually deteriorate into nothingness if Alchemy is not brought back. With Felix's quest to break Alchemy's seal now revealed to be more important than ever, Hydros orders Piers to accompany Felix's group on the remainder of his quest to light the final two lighthouses.

With this Psynergy, the Adepts and their Lemurian Ship are now able to remove the natural barrier between Indra and Gondowan that previously blocked their ship from where they are now headed: The Great Western Sea. The party travels to Hesperia first to see about making use of the Shaman's Rod, also referred to as the "Rod of Hesperia," to get whatever is supposedly needed to climb and light Jupiter Lighthouse on Atteka.

In the secluded Hesperian settlement of Shaman Village , Felix presents the Shaman's Rod to the town leader Moapa , who describes it as an artifact of the village's heritage that the village is to exchange for the Hover Jade currently in its possession, but the Adepts are only allowed to earn the right to this transaction through winning a ceremonial race against Moapa through Trial Road.

After winning the Jade, the party now has the Psynergy needed to properly scale Jupiter Lighthouse and light its beacon, so the party of Adepts proceeds to sail to and land on Atteka near the town of Contigo , and enter Jupiter Lighthouse. While Felix and his friends climb through Jupiter Lighthouse, a fateful encounter ensues: Isaac's party has entered the Lighthouse in their pursuit of Felix, but they are ambushed, attacked, and overpowered by Karst and Agatio.

Felix makes the decision to step in and betray Karst, forcing her to spare Isaac's life in exchange for Felix taking the Mars Star off Isaac and activating the Jupiter Lighthouse with the Jupiter Star. A weakened Isaac surprisingly hands over the Mars Star willingly to Felix, reasoning that though he does not know why Felix is so set on breaking Alchemy's seal, he can only trust Felix.

Felix arrives at Jupiter Lighthouse's aerie and activates the Jupiter Beacon. Karst and Agatio declare, however, that in light of Felix's betrayal they are simply unable to trust him anymore, so the pair steal the Mars Star from him and proceed to engage Felix's party in a fight to the death on the aerie of Jupiter Lighthouse. Before one side can fully destroy the other, however, Alex reappears, warning that Isaac's party has recuperated and is coming their way, and that Karst and Agatio should throw aside their petty grudges and flee with him since they now have the Mars Star they need to finish the quest themselves.

Alex and the Mars Adepts escape right as Isaac's party arrives, and Isaac and Felix briefly have a tense standoff. They are quick to agree, though, that rather than have a stressed confrontation, the two parties are to convene officially back in Contigo.

Felix and Isaac and their respective parties of Adepts hold a meeting with each other in Contigo, the purpose of which being for Felix to explain himself to Isaac's side. Isaac and his friends are shocked, of course, when they learn that both Felix and Jenna's parents and Isaac's father Kyle are alive and well in Prox, and that Felix had been working with Saturos on his goal to return Alchemy to the world to earn his parents' freedom.

Isaac is shocked even further when Felix then relates what his party had learned later on in their own quest when they had reached Lemuria - the true nature of Alchemy as a commodity necessary for the world to physically survive.

Isaac comes to understand and accept that Alchemy must be restored to prevent the world from reaching a gradual end that is otherwise certain to happen in the future, even though no one can be certain that Alchemy won't automatically destroy the world the moment it is released.

A Jupiter Adept that Isaac's party previously met, Hama , comes in and announces that with three of the Lighthouses Beacons lit, the element of the fourth Lighthouse, Mars, is being overpowered on a global level - causing the world's temperatures to sharply plummet, which will in turn cause the world to be plunged into ice should the Mars Beacon not be lit in time. She also uses her perceiving Psynergy to determine that Karst and Agatio, who are currently attempting to light Mars Lighthouse on their own, will fail in their attempt because there now exists "a powerful force that does not want to see Mars rekindled.

With their misunderstandings sorted out, Isaac, Garet, Ivan, and Mia join forces with Felix, Jenna, Sheba, Piers, and Kraden to support the remainder of Felix's quest objective to break Alchemy's seal. The people of Prox and their elder and Puelle welcome back Felix warmly, but Felix and Isaac discover that their parents, who were supposed to be here in safe captivity, are nowhere to be found; the people, who do not know where the parents could have gone off to on their own, apologize to Felix because Puelle had given the order that the parents were to be set free once Felix returned to Prox.

Puelle and the Elder of Prox also understand that Karst and Agatio have most assuredly failed in their attempt to light Mars Lighthouse, so they beseech Felix and Isaac to travel into Mars Lighthouse, retrieve the Mars Star, light the final Beacon, and save both Prox and all of Weyard. During their exploration and battles through Mars Lighthouse, Felix and Isaac's extended group of Adepts engage a pair of lumbering, powerful Flame Dragons , which they dispatch after an extended battle.

The defeated dragons are startlingly revealed as the nearly-dead forms of none other than Karst and Agatio. As the dying Mars Adepts relate, while exploring Mars Lighthouse on their own, the pair were stopped in their tracks and were gauged by "the eye" to lack the will and conviction to go any farther, and were both turned into mindless dragons that Felix and Isaac were manipulated into slaying.

Recognizing the circumstances and putting aside their past conflict with Felix, Karst and Agatio entrust Felix and Isaac with the Mars Star. Felix and Isaac resume their climb through Mars Lighthouse, and eventually arrive at the tower's top. Felix and the rest of the Adepts are tricked by the Wise One into murdering their own parents. The Wise One, the guardian of the seal placed on Alchemy and the one who had tasked Isaac to recover the Elemental Stars and prevent the breaking of the seal, demands an explanation from Isaac as to why he has disobeyed his command and defected to Felix's side.

Isaac and everyone else respond with everything they now know about how the world would be destroyed otherwise. The Wise One counters with the scenario that mankind may very well destroy Weyard themselves if allowed use of such power, and he states that in time, one man will seek to rule over all, which is an inescapable facet of human nature.

But even after the Wise One dramatically reveals that the Adepts and their quest to bring back the power of Alchemy have been taken advantage of by Alex, who seeks the power of Alchemy for himself, Isaac and Felix lose none of their resolve in declaring that the beacon must be lit regardless, for the sake of the entire world's survival.

The Wise One declares that the Adepts will only be able to light the Mars Beacon if they can "defeat a miracle," then summons a colossal dragon with three heads for them to battle.

Felix and the others engage and eventually slay the beast in their final and most harrowing clash; however, they are all left horrified and aggrieved when they discover that they were tricked by the Wise One into killing an amalgamation of the very parents Felix, Jenna, and Isaac had hoped to reunite with in Prox. Though everyone mourns their loss, Isaac declares that what they have done was to defy the Wise One in order to save the entire world, which is something their parents would understand.

Felix and everyone else find it within themselves to agree with Isaac. Thus, with the quest almost at its conclusion, Isaac remains with his father as Felix casts the Mars Star into the Mars Lighthouse's well.

Felix and Jenna celebrate the survival of the townspeople as their parents left and companions Sheba and Piers right look on. With all four Lighthouse Beacons now lit, the process that facilitates the return of Alchemy to the world of Weyard begins in earnest. In a miraculous event attributable to fate, the bodies of the parents are revived by the energy generated by Mars Lighthouse, and Felix and Isaac immediately transport themselves and the parents out of Mars Lighthouse and back to Prox.

The people of Prox nurse the adults back to health. With the world now saved from its own gradual destruction, Felix, Isaac, and Kraden are personally thanked by the Elder of Prox and Puelle for saving their town and the entire world, and for effectively bringing about a new, golden age where civilization may once again advance. As everyone boards the ship due back home to Vale, Isaac asks Kraden and Felix why everything happened at Mars Lighthouse the way they did: The Wise One had turned the parents into a dragon that Isaac and the others were forced to fight and pretty much kill, yet the way the parents were revived back by the beacon's light suggests the Wise One had to have known that would happen in advance.

Kraden hazards a guess with wild implications: The Wise One's actions were all part of his grand scheme to test Isaac, Felix, and their companions as individuals capable of the great responsibility of ensuring that throughout the world, Alchemy is not abused and used for evil. Finally, Felix and Isaac's party of Adepts, the three parents, and Kraden return to Vale, but are emotionally impacted by a tragic sight: Mt.

Aleph and Vale are effectively gone, having been erased by the energy let loose by Alchemy's release at the site of Mt. As Isaac and Garet mournfully believe that their families have perished along with all of the townspeople of Vale, Felix attempts to console them by saying that he felt the pain of losing his home and closest family too once, and suggests that everyone go to Vault to rest and think.

But then, Dora and everyone else believed to have perished appear alive and well and greet the Adepts, revealing that the Wise One warned them to evacuate Vale before the town would be destroyed by the breaking of Alchemy's seal.

The Lost Age ends as everyone reunites and celebrates. At the beginning of the story Felix had always seemed to be a weak addition to Saturos and Menardi's team. However throughout the Golden Sun: The Lost Age story, Felix shows he has a huge amount of potential something that Saturos and Menardi could have overlooked when they took his parents hostage so as to use his Earth powers in Venus Lighthouse.

Less than thirty years after the Golden Sun event, Felix left the other Warriors of Vale to set out on his own journey. According to the game's encyclopedia, nobody has seen him since he departed.

However, he is referenced in the Sun Saga , a series of books detailing the journey of the Warriors of Vale. Interestingly, Felix is presented in an antagonistic light for most of the book series, with Felix's true motivations only being revealed near the end.

Golden Sun Universe Explore. Games and media. Brawl 4-Koma Gag Battle Manga. Main categories. Explore Wikis Community Central. The group must proceed with the faith that Isaac has proven his ability to defend himself from such foes already. After helping Piers install his Black Orb back into his Lemurian Ship, Felix is allowed by Piers to take its tiller and direct the travels of his newly complete party of Adepts across the Great Eastern Sea for the foreseeable future.

Their ultimate objective, that of bringing the Shaman's Rod into the Great Western Sea and eventually lighting the Jupiter Beacon, is seen to be a long ways off; the shifting of Indra in between Gondowan and Osenia has effectively plugged the only available oceanic route between continents, and it would take command of significantly more powerful Psynergy than what Felix's party has access to at the moment to remove the giant rock formations obstructing the one viable route between seas.

This adds to the motivation Felix's party has in developing their Psynergy powers, which is what ultimately drives the party to see fit to spend a very lengthy period of time sailing the Eastern Sea in search of unfamiliar islands and ancient locales to explore.

The activity that currently bears the most appeal to Felix's side is discovering and entering the mythical island society of Lemuria within the fog-shrouded Sea of Time in the center of the Eastern Sea as per Piers and Kraden's separate wishes. On their first attempt to sail into the ring of rocks and crags surrounding the area, however, it is found that navigating the whirlpool-filled natural maze posed by this ring is extremely difficult without specific knowledge that would end up being provided at a particular Osenian village.

Scattered pieces of hearsay and telepathically gleaned thoughts that Felix's party can pick up as early as his first visit to Madra paint a picture that the tidal wave, which clearly had originated from the Sea of Time, all but heralded the reemergence of a legendary beast of the deep feared in some cultures as Poseidon — which the party clearly would have to deal with before reaching Lemuria proper.

Felix hears that this sea god can only be defeated by a particular ancient trident , so the search for this trident becomes another self-imposed objective Felix's group adopts as part of their deliberate efforts to use their free exploration of the world as a training regimen.

Though Felix effectively shares the same ocean with Isaac's pursuing company of Adepts, who are actively scouring the seas looking for him, Felix is fortunate enough never to happen across him by chance. However, he soon discovers firsthand that there are other parties who do not intend for Felix to see himself as having even so much as the option to view his quest as a more leisurely excursion. When Felix first enters Champa's home settlement, Alex approaches him and reveals himself to have affiliated with Karst and her partner, Agatio.

Alex rather gloatingly announces that he had originally considered Felix and his company to be incapable of successfully seeing the quest for the Lighthouses through to its end. Because of the building sense of resourcefulness Felix has displayed recently, however, Alex has decided instead to let Karst and Agatio threaten Felix with the promise that they will always be nearby to pressure Felix into finding his way to Jupiter Lighthouse as soon as possible.

Before Alex leaves, he decides to additionally relay the news to Kraden that Babi has passed away, perhaps thinking it valuable to allow Kraden to consider himself no longer bound to stay with Felix's group and search for Alchemy's secrets on Babi's behalf.

Though shaken, Kraden stresses his intent to continue with Felix and reveals to the others that he has spent his travels thus far formulating a theory about the true relevance of Alchemy to the world itself — and that Felix is the only one he has been secretly discussing it with. Though Felix and Kraden are not open to divulging it to the others on account of the scale of its implications, Piers reveals he has a guess as to what it is and proclaims that it can be validated once they reach Lemuria.

Felix's voluntary expedition across the entirety of Weyard's eastern half sees to his party successfully scaling and tapping into the power of two other ancient mountains much like Air's Rock, Aqua Rock and Gaia Rock. Felix's exploration of Gaia Rock in particular is separately motivated by the distress of the locals from the nearby village of Izumo , who are terrorized by a monster inhabiting the mountain referred to as the Great Serpent.

Felix helps the hero Susa slay the Serpent to rescue his beloved Kushinada , and Felix's heroism makes a lasting impression on Izumo's society. Gaia Rock also imbues Felix with a one-of-a-kind Psynergy talent that lets him transform his own body into self-animating sand. Felix's continuously successful travels across eastern Weyard also see to him discovering and assembling what turns out to be a set of three ancient prongs that were originally part of one trident.

Obviously interested in having them reforged as a coherent weapon, Felix is in a position to discover that the elderly figurehead at Champa, Obaba , is the master of an ancient forge that is said to fix any broken thing. However, she is too distraught to perform any work until Briggs, who is revealed to be her grandson, is home safely.

It is unclear whether this plays any part in Felix's hunch to return to Alhafra to help fix the sailing ship, but he resolves to do so once his party becomes proficient enough at Psynergy that they can remove the rock formation pinning down the ship's mast. Once the sailing ship is repaired, however, Briggs enacts a plan to bust out of imprisonment and steal the ship to hightail it back to Champa. Though Felix pursues him, it is not his intention to have Briggs brought back to justice on Alhafra's behalf — though he does have to engage in another scuffle with Briggs in Obaba's domain before various misunderstandings can be sorted out.

Following this, Felix presents Obaba the three prongs, and she recognizes them to be parts of the authentic Trident of Ankohl; it turns out that all of her training in the ancient ways of her forge was specifically so that she could eventually restore the Trident to its original splendor. Now armed with a weapon said to give its wielder a peerless advantage over any sea monster, Felix and his company are finally in a position to enter the Sea of Time and make a prepared attempt to to reach Lemuria.

The Adepts draw on all of their knowledge to navigate the natural maze of whirlpools, and they are soon attacked by Poseidon as anticipated; the Trident affords them the fighting chance needed to ultimately slay the monster after a fierce battle. Felix and his party soon reach the island city of Lemuria at last. In Lemuria, Felix and Kraden behold a reclusive society ruled by one King Hydros , who is revealed to have originally sent Piers out of the Sea of Time to chart the continents across the Eastern Sea.

In a meeting with the king, Piers confirms an electrifying reality about Weyard that is indeed what Felix and Kraden had previously discussed and speculated between themselves: The seal placed on Alchemy has done much more than gradually eat away at the world's edges over the ages.

Alchemy's absence is the sole defining reason why modern-day civilization is a mere shadow of what it once was during the lost age of man — but even worse, all of the world's continents are slowly shrinking. By all accounts, Weyard will continue to wane until it collapses and vanishes forever Armed with the knowledge that the quest he had pursued primarily for personal reasons is more significant than ever, Felix and Piers depart Lemuria bearing the powerful Psynergy necessary to clear through the oceanic route between continents.

Now able to sail throughout the Great Western Sea, Felix does not prematurely sail to Atteka to attempt Jupiter Lighthouse because the Rod of Hesperia allegedly needed to do so successfully is named after Hesperia, the continent north of that.

Sailing there first, Felix finds that the people of Shaman Village would exchange it for the Hover Jade , an object that bestows its bearer a unique hovering Psynergy that is a vague approximation of the Psynergy-driven power of flight possessed by the ancient society of Adepts that once inhabited Atteka.

Before being seen as worthy to claim the Jade, however, Felix and his party must defeat Shaman Village's chieftain, Moapa , in a ceremonial contest centered around the obstacle course at Trial Road. The hovering Psynergy is soon found out to be what is ultimately needed for Felix's party to solve Jupiter Lighthouse's ancient riddles and open the well at its aerie, which they do after landing on Atteka and entering the tower.

While Felix's party of Adepts climbs through the tower to reach the open well, they are surprised to discover that Isaac and his own party have entered Jupiter Lighthouse in hopes of stopping them — but Felix is able to watch from a distance as Isaac's party gets divided by a trap set by Karst and Agatio, who are also in the Lighthouse.

The Mars Adepts declare their intent to fight Isaac and put him down for good out of revenge for the deaths of Saturos and Menardi at Isaac's hands; as Isaac begins desperately fighting for his life, Felix rushes through the tower to stop the battle.

Along the way, Alex approaches Felix to openly acknowledge that Felix obviously would be too distraught by Isaac and Garet's deaths to see the lighting of the Jupiter Beacon through, so Alex heals Felix's party and encourages Felix to go and save his friends. Karst and Agatio have rendered Isaac lying prone on the ground by the time Felix defiantly steps forth to announce that he and his party have no intention of letting the Mars Adepts put Isaac's side to death.

Karst is none too pleased by Felix's willingness to betray his and her prior agreement to let her do with Isaac as she would. Nonetheless, as they are outnumbered by Felix's side, Karst and Agatio submit to Felix's will but force him to take the Mars Star from Isaac's possession as part of their new terms. Isaac, responding to Felix's willingness to save his life, tells Felix to take the Star and presents himself as willing to trust the latter's judgement.

After Felix receives it, he proceeds to follow the Mars Adepts to the aerie of Jupiter Lighthouse and accepts Piers' proposal to be brought along because of Karst and Agatio's untrustworthiness. Felix and Piers are startled when Karst and Agatio, citing their newly formed distrust of him, suddenly reveal that the fact Mars Lighthouse is at Prox is why they consider Felix not to be needed anymore — and steal the Mars Star from Felix's grasp. Felix is dismayed when the Mars Adepts proclaim that their capacity to light Mars Lighthouse on their own is why they can decide that it is now time for Felix to die for them, though Felix momentarily takes solace in their insistence that Prox will assuredly release his parents once the last Lighthouse is lit.

Felix begins a desperate fight for his life with Piers, and Jenna and Sheba subsequently join him when they arrive to check up on him. It is not specified which of two possible outcomes — Felix's side winning or losing — is considered canon, but Alex prevents one side from being able to kill the other in either scenario so that the Mars Adepts can be allowed to leave for the last Lighthouse with the Mars Star.

If Felix and his companions lie wounded on the ground at the end of the clash, Alex prevents the Mars Adepts from meting out death to Felix's side by telling them that there is no time for petty grudges, for they need to flee Jupiter Lighthouse before Isaac's rejuvenated party arrives in mere moments. Isaac has Felix and Jenna's group healed with Psynergy once he discovers them.

If it is Karst and Agatio who are left lying on the ground, on the other hand, Felix briefly considers whether he would take them up on their invitation to finish them off and disregard their taunting warning that Prox might retaliate by executing his parents in that case. Whatever Felix's inclination, however, Alex steps in to appeal to Felix's sense of caution by impressing upon him that the latter's quest to free his parents could well turn out for naught if Karst is not bluffing.

Alex heals the Mars Adepts just enough to help them escape Jupiter Lighthouse. Felix and Isaac's drained parties briefly engage in a tense interaction over the many troubling occurrences that have led up to this point, but members of both sides diplomatically propose collecting themselves back at the nearby settlement of Contigo before formally engaging each other about Felix's motivations to light the Elemental Lighthouses. Felix agrees to meet Isaac there, and Isaac is later glad to see Felix uphold his promise when Felix's party follows Isaac's group into a particular house in the village.

In the revealing interaction to follow, it is impressed upon Isaac that Felix had been avoiding Isaac in part because he had not been able to face Isaac over betraying Vale and getting Jenna and Kraden caught up in his aims on top of that.

Furthermore, it was in part because Jenna did not want the two boys to fight. Isaac, Garet, and their allies are then staggered when Felix proceeds to reveal that his and Jenna's parents, as well as Isaac's father, are alive in Prox and will only be released when the final Lighthouse is lit — and also that Weyard itself will end if Alchemy is not released to the world in time.

This last point is accentuated by the revelation of an oracle in the neighborhood that the world will freeze quite soon if the fire-aligned Mars Lighthouse is not lit soon enough — but that Karst and Agatio will be decisively stopped in their efforts to do so by a "powerful force that does not want to see Mars rekindled.

His perspective on his own quest now shifted by a tremendous new sense of clarity, Isaac quickly defines his party's purpose as helping Felix on the remainder of his own quest, and so the two parties of Adepts merge into an allied coalition of eight travelers. Isaac and his companions permanently join Felix on the latter's ship as they sail north into the Northern Reaches, though a massive ice wall barring their passage toward Prox first necessitates the expanded company exploring Magma Rock to tap into its fire-aligned Psynergy power and gain the physical means to shatter the ice.

Felix and his newly expanded party arrive at Prox, which is on the brink because of both Weyard's global chilling and the encroaching edge of Gaia Falls from the north. Puelle, the Elder of Prox, and the townspeople recognize Felix and take note that he has clearly become much stronger as a warrior in the time he has been away.

Though Agatio had previously told his countrymen that Saturos and Menardi were killed by Isaac, that Felix now counts Isaac as an ally plays a part in Prox's acceptance of Isaac as one whose pursuit of the late Mars Adepts was justified by the danger wrought upon his town and loved ones by their disruptive methods. Since Karst and Agatio had traveled to Mars Lighthouse but clearly have been stopped cold in their effort to use the Mars Star to light it, Prox places its trust in Felix that he will continue and conclude the mission.

The determined outlook shared among Felix's allies that they will activate the fourth and final Lighthouse to safeguard Weyard's future is tempered, however, when they find that Felix's parents and Isaac's father are not present in the village; despite Puelle having previously ordered the release of their "hostages" upon Felix's return to Prox, the adults headed toward Mars Lighthouse on their own for mysterious reasons.

During their expedition through Mars Lighthouse, Felix and Isaac's combined party dispatches what comes across at first to be a pair of dragons that are indistinct from all the other wild monsters roaming the structure's hallways — but the dragons' defeated forms suddenly transform back into those of Karst and Agatio, who are now nearing death.

The Mars Adepts weakly recall that, prior to their transformation and resulting loss of rational thought, an eye-like entity peered into their souls and unilaterally decided that they lacked the will to go further. When they recognize Felix's presence, they exhibit a striking reversal of their prior antagonism against him by pleading with him to take the Mars Star and see their mission through to the end.

It is unknown whether they are aware of Isaac's presence as they do this, but Felix takes their cue and rushes to the aerie of Mars Lighthouse with Isaac, and the Mars Adepts are content to be left behind struggling to stay alive long enough to perceive the beacon's light. Upon reaching the tower's aerie, Felix and Isaac share their party's surprise when they hear a disembodied voice "welcoming" them as betrayers, and Felix's rush to cast the Mars Star into the well is prevented by a sudden gust of directed wind.

Everyone is soon stunned to discover that the Wise One is what stands between them and their objective; the Wise One, being the entity who had originally tasked Isaac and Garet to recover the Elemental Stars and stop Felix and Saturos' quest for the Lighthouses, demands an explanation as to why they have reneged on this and are now trying to break Alchemy's seal.

The entire group proceeds to explain what they discovered about Weyard's impending collapse and call for the Wise One not to protect the seal any longer in light of this knowledge.

However, the Wise One provides the counterargument that mankind may well bring about Weyard's destruction themselves through Alchemy's destructive power. To illustrate why the Adepts cannot hope to fully ensure that the people of Weyard will not use Alchemy with base intentions, the Wise One informs them of a staggering revelation that seems to demonstate how desire for power and control is intrinsic to human nature.

It turns out that Alex has essentially used every person involved in the quest for his own personal gain, for he is currently at the peak of Mt. Aleph awaiting the return of Alchemy so that his powers will increase exponentially as an outcome of an explosive release of energy that will take place there; the Wise One introduces this effect that will herald Alchemy's return as "the Golden Sun. While this makes several among the Adepts temporarily apprehensive about doing exactly what Alex wants, Felix is more readily willing to agree with Isaac that this is incidental compared to the consequences Prox and the world will face if the Mars Star is not cast into the well.

However, the Wise One once again drives back Felix when he tries to walk to the well — despite what the godlike being had just explained about how he is bound to a directive not to interfere in mankind's actions — because an apparent loophole in this code allows him to summon forth what could, in a certain point of view, count as a "miracle" that would prevent them from lighting the Mars Beacon.

Per the Wise One's will, a colossal three-headed dragon flies onto the aerie to attack the Adepts, and Felix joins everyone in accepting this challenge and fighting the beast in the name of the world's future — too late to pay heed to Kraden's sudden calls for the Adepts not to kill it.

At the battle's end, the entire party is horrified and aggrieved when the dragon transforms into the dying bodies of three adults — who turn out to be Isaac's father and Felix and Jenna's parents. Felix's perspective and emotions are somewhat inscrutable as several Adepts proclaim the Wise One a monster for the wretched deception he committed and the emotional harm inflicted upon Jenna as a result, but Felix and the other Adepts are eventually able to agree with Isaac that their parents would understand their decision to place Weyard's well-being over the Wise One's will.

Felix proceeds to cast the Mars Star into the Lighthouse's well to herald the salvation of Weyard with the somber conclusion of his party's quest. After the Mars Beacon is established, the party is informed by an outside source that the four Lighthouses are about to act in tandem to facilitate the Golden Sun event and will become quite dangerous.

Felix is briefly forced to make an on-the-spot decision whether to take their parents' bodies with them in their rush out of Mars Lighthouse, but the question is quicky rendered moot when the Mars Beacon suddenly bathes the entire aerie — and all of the Adepts still on it — in raw elemental power as it shoots a beam toward Mt.

In a miraculous development, this wave of Psynergy imbues each of the Adepts' bodies with power — including those of their parents on account of being Adepts themselves, decisively staving off their impending deaths. Felix and Isaac's company transports the adults back to Prox, whose people help nurse the adults back to health. Some time later, Puelle and the Elder of Prox personally thank Felix, Isaac, and Kraden for saving their home village, decisively halting the creeping doom that had faced the world, and bringing about a new era for the world and its peoples.

Prox gratefully sees Felix and his companions off on their return voyage to Vale, with several among the populace opining that Felix has now become mightier than the strongest warriors the village itself has ever produced. Felix and Isaac share their concerns with Kraden about Vale's safety and question why the Wise One made them fight their own parents almost to the death — especially considering that the parents' revival by the energy expulsed by the Mars Beacon was something the Wise One would have known in advance would happen.

All Kraden can do is to guess that the Wise One's true intent from the start was to test Felix and Isaac's strength of will and confirm that they are capable of placing the greater good of Weyard over their personal concerns. When Felix and Isaac finally complete the journey back to Vale with their companions and parents, they are devastated to discover that Vale and Mt.

Aleph are gone, having been wiped clean off the map by the destruction brought about by the Golden Sun's brief emergence. With Isaac and his father believing his mother dead, and Garet believing that his entire family is now gone forever, Felix and Jenna are at a loss as to how to comfort them because Felix's own parents are safe. It is all Felix can do to sympathize with Isaac and Garet by explaining that he had once felt exactly the same way, and he suggests that everyone collect themselves at the nearby village of Vault.

But then, all of Vale's people reveal themselves not to have perished; just as the Wise One had telepathically warned people based near the Elemental Lighthouses to stay away from them when they became dangerous, he had also instructed all of Vale's residents to evacuate the village.

The atmosphere gives way to jubilation as Isaac and Garet reunite with their families, and Felix and Jenna's rather physical means of mutually engaging in celebration accentuates the mood for many onlookers.

Felix is never seen on-screen during the events that would transpire thirty years after the Golden Sun event and is barely mentioned in conversations. As one of the eight " Warriors of Vale ," he would gain the same widespread notoriety as the other seven warriors who enacted the Golden Sun, which would proceed to result in years of destructive natural disasters and a newfound era of strife between nations. Virtually nothing is known of Felix's activities beyond him having left the region encompassing Vale at some point within the thirty years prior to Dark Dawn , and he has not been seen since.

The children of the other Warriors of Vale, among them his nephew Matthew , seem to casually refer to Felix in no deeper terms than him having been one of the two who led the Warriors' exploits back in the day.

Some have a passing awareness of some of his feats and interactions; in particular, Karis recalls that the pirate Briggs once fought against him. A series of books named the Sun Saga , which apparently have found their way onto bookshelves at least across Angara, provides a popularized retrospective on the journey the Warriors of Vale originally embarked on.

They recount events purely as Isaac would have viewed them at the time, and as such, Felix is presented in an antagonistic light as "the wayard son of Vale" for most of the series. Up until the point in the recounting that describes the reunion between Felix and Isaac, the work uses a rather smearing choice of terms to all but portray Felix's role in his side's efforts as a ringleader equivalent to Alex — grouping them together as "the two fiends who had the same mad ambition. Felix is one of the most popular characters in the Golden Sun fandom because he was introduced with particularly prominent personality traits.

He amounts to an atypical take on a "villain" for Isaac, the perceived "hero" for the first game, and certain scenes that show him willing to openly imperil his own standing — and even life — for his ideals regarding the welfare of others left an impression on many players, considering the series' fairly oft-noted deficiency in clear-cut characterization.

Though it would come as a disappointment to some that Felix's playable role in the follow-up game has him adopting the oft-maligned tradition of the silent protagonist, it is sometimes suggested that his feats following a background filled with hardships should see to him being regarded as closer to the true "hero" of the GBA duology than Isaac.

In turn, some think it would make about as much sense for Felix to be awarded a position of prominence equal to — or in place of — Isaac as his series' foremost representative in the Nintendo crossover property Super Smash Bros..

Felix's exceedingly protective nature and opposition to Isaac's party for most of the games he directly appears in plays heavily into his treatment in the fan fiction community.

Authors write heavily on the "protective older brother" relationship he has with his sister Jenna , and much has been penned about several romantic " shipping " relationships available to him — most notably with Sheba , who Felix is willing to put his life on the line to protect from the very start.

This is referred to as "Lighthouseshipping" because he goes so far as to jump off a towering lighthouse to follow her after she falls off it toward what seems like an obvious death. Another ship called "Duskshipping" concerns a relationship with Karst despite her being shown in-game to be perfectly content to put Felix to death for a perceived betrayal; the two would have had three years of exposure to each other prior to the events of the first game, and fans pick up on the point in which Karst later acknowledges while nearing her death that Felix's hands are warm.

Personal tools Talk Contributions Create account Log in. Felix From Golden Sun Universe. Jump to: navigation , search. Spoiler warning: The following section s contain plot details that some people may not wish to learn before reaching this point in the game on their own. Clothing Armor. Gloves Shield. Felix appears in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as an advanced-ranked primary shield-type spirit. His spirit battle is against Marth on the coliseum with earthquakes.

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