Jump to: navigation , search. Future Fusion. References: [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26]. You must use the monsters listed on the Fusion Monster Card. Flip Gemini Union Spirit Toon. OCG Structures. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Card Rulings:Royal Oppression. View source. History Talk 8. Royal Oppression. This means you have one opportunity to activate it, the initial chain in direct response to the attack declaration.
Unlike the other cards listed above, " Battle Fader " has a Trigger Effect , so you would be unable to activate multiple copies of " Battle Fader " in response to the same attack declaration. There are basically 2 ways to Special Summon a monster.
Example 3: If " Call of the Haunted " is activated, you can activate the effect of " Royal Oppression " in a chain. The effect of " Call of the Haunted " is negated, and a monster is not Special Summoned. The effects of face-up Trap Cards cannot be activated during the Damage Step , so this card's effect cannot negate the Special Summoning of a monster by the effect of " Mystic Tomato " or a " Cyber Jar " flipped face-up by an attack.
You can activate the effect of " Royal Oppression " as a chain to " Monster Gate ". No cards will be picked up, and no monster will be Special Summoned The opponent still must have Tributed a monster as a cost.
When " Monster Reborn " is activated to Special Summon " Jinzo ", you can activate the effect of " Royal Oppression " in a chain to negate the Special Summon because " Jinzo " is not on the field until the chain resolves. Mentions in Other Rulings Amplifier : If you have " Jinzo with Amplifier " [ sic ], your Trap Cards are not negated and their effects are applied, including If your " Royal Oppression " is face-down when " Clock Tower Prison " is destroyed, you can chain its activation flipping it face-up to the effect of " Clock Tower Prison ".
If your opponent uses the effect of your " Royal Oppression " to negate the Special Summon, " Grandmaster of the Six Samurai 's" effect does not activate. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.
Boards Yu-Gi-Oh! User Info: phantom6. Princess, Feb. Both you and your opponent can use this effect as long as this card remains face-up on the field. User Info: egghead You should be happy, you get Ultimate Nightmare. Now supporting 1. User Info: MaridStormbreak. Yubel 3 sucks. Also, the ruling on Royal Oppression is dumb. User Info: Shamack.