No pictures please. Did it all by myself. Why I can't shop here Fastmac Power IV Plus demo. Credit card payments on your iPhone. SXSW best vlog ever!!! SXSW 2. Boring grocery strore vlog. Taylor Swift "Fairytale" spoof. Cayman islands!!! Bon voyage!!!!! Gimme that filet o fish!!! Ashton Kutcher's birthday! City of Hope charity. CES Wisdom tooth uncut version. Sleepy vlog and iJustine t-shirts. Bloopers from the interactive Halloween video. Whatthebuck's House [Interactive Halloween Adventure].
Denisevlogs House [Interactive Halloween Adventure]. Vlog from SVU set. A day in NYC! Let's all move in together!! Law and Order Way!! NY Apple Store 1. Thank you! Airplane bathroom vlog!!! Cloud writing!!!! Old Lahaina Luau. Signing an iPhone! Maui vlog. Mullets and Hula Hoops -- Zappos. The one with the missing car wheel, cute puppies and a mattress.
I wanna perform!! What the! Ashton Kutcher interview - "Spread" movie premiere in Las Vegas!! Vegas vlog!!!! Punch A Bunch on the booty!!! Heart attack on plane! Mad grilled cheese flipping skills!!
Straight chilling. Confession of an addict. Ugly truth. Pay those billzzz!!! Hanging with Karen. Chewy the cavalier spaniel poodle. The pig you picked -- name him!!! Water slide!!! Harris Teeter Music Video!! The first visit to Harry Teeter. All a'board the beach train! July 4th parade!!! Most annoying video ever. HOT hi. I wanna meet that dad. Crabbing and a canoe. Hiiiieee guyyysss! No telefono.
Frozen eggies. Virginia Apple Store. In Virginia at the gas station. Vegas airport slot people.. I hate you. Poached Halibut. Vertical vs horizontal. On the hunt for the perfect case. Makin vids makin vids. First iPhone 3GS video!! Mobile manners 3. Mobile manners 2. Designer iPhone cases - Plia Designs. New iPhone and Geoff sings ask ij live!
Chicken and Waffles with Chet. Giants game vlog. At the twitter conference. Test driving a Ford Fusion. Shooting at Pixel Corps in SF. Waiting in line for Star Trek. Shooting with James Lanman for his new song "Baby".
Steve Jobs has shotgun. Earthquake vlog recorded 2 days ago. Surprising Mozy's 1 Millionth customer! Pittsburgh Magazine. Pittsburgh Penguins Playoff game 1. If I had a reality show.. Ask iJ Rapid fire questions! Mobile manners 1. Ask iJ Side bars and haters. Meeting iCarly! Meeting djsteen the airport in Chicago.
Ask iJ 7: Bananas and cheese!!! Makin' and throwin' eggs. African Safari at the Apple Store. Vintage iJustine video: Date with Jumpcut. Streamys: Neil Patrick Harris! Epic Fu wins a streamy! Not-Live from the Streamys 1. Apple logo cake!!!!! Griffith Observatory I can spell! Idol - behind the scenes!
Drew, Stryker and David Lawrence! James Lanman behind the scenes of his video shoot! Vintage iJustine: Irish Jig. Vintage iJustine: Bathroom dance. Neil Patrick Harris The Streamys. Ask iJ Behind the scenes 3. Ask ij 1 - ask me questions! I was on G4! Be my valentine!!!??? Free iPod Shuffle!
What's your fav toy?!!!! Sasmsung CES. Ocarina with sxe. Exclusive interview with Steve Jobs! Got diarrhea? Happy New Years! Time lapse haircut!! I tweet myself.. Cutest baby ever! Dec 8th 08 MeToday! Help me make a show! Tounged by a bird! Frozen Turkey Playtime! Virgin America wifi video from the sky!
YouTube Live!! Behind the scenes!! Happy Birthday Karen! My dead one eyed fish Uno. Tale of a shattered iPhone. Mozy Contest! PodcampAZ Frolicking. Podcamp AZ Chillin' in Clintus' session.
Pluggedin show launches today! Kayne who? Burning stove smashes laptop! My new show on Pluggedin! Hawaiian Monk Seal!!! Hi from Hawaii. Cathedral of Junk in Austin Texas. Recorded video.
Nikon D90 Video Test. She gives me hope that girls can be both hot and cool. Great book, very interesting stories, and things that I never knew about her.
Very interesting of how she started out. Congratulations iJ - lifeofwilde. I just love it there Is not other way to say it, it is just awesome. I am in love with tech just as much as her. She inspires me that my tech skills can get me somewhere great in life.
This is an excellent book. I listened to this memoir without knowing who Justine was. Very impressed with the quality , content, and narration. I found myself looking forward to listening every chance I could.
There is no such thing as an over night success! Justine is a living example of how to live your passion. Thank you for sharing your story with such grace and intelligence. Dave Erickson. This book was amazing Justine! Shows a great insight into your life on and off the internet. Highly recommend! This book has touched my heart and made me feel so happy. I have laughed and almost cried. I have been an iJustine fan for a long time now and this book made me love her even more.
This is such a amazing book. OMG, Justine this book is amazing! Just finished reading it and loved hearing your story. The downs and ups of how you got to where you are now, were very interesting. Thank you so much for creating this fun book about your story. It is very exciting and informative so I would definitely recommend this book! Also nice to hear about how someone got so successful in the tech world. As a fellow 80's baby with a severe tech habit, I thought this was a great trip down memory lane as well as an insight into Justine's life and journey.
Where to start? Like many reviews already written, I've been following Justine for a while, but I never realised the back story to it. This book is truly amazing taking you through all of Justine's Life, from the high to the lows. With Justine reading this, you just get that extra with her uniqueness on how she explains her life.
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