If they don't like the grind, it's unlikely they're going to have fun with any aspect of the game, including PvP, since it does take effort to get to effective levels. What kind of battles are out there? Small skirmishes? Large scale 50 vs 50? There's the odd small group, and small groups can absolutely be effective patrolling the coasts and stuff - but the game isn't tailored around a 5 man independent group.
You're also not going to get fair fights. Don't expect to effectively PvP on your own, but there's opportunities. The big fights are about 25v25's bl v jk give or take. What is the population on the PvP server like? Pop is ok but going down, will easily be a 'good' pvp pop for the next year minimum. Kingdom balance will decide if it's worth playing though, not the population. Right now the kingdom balance is as good as you can really expect from Wurm.
Depends on what kingdom you're in. In HotS, you could probably expect to be able to participate in daily PvP in JK, at least every other day to go looking for stuff MR, almost daily on the defensive but rarely aggressively looking. Mol Rehan consists of newer players who are less experienced in the game, generally speaking. All skills but FS and faith transfer. Items do not transfer, you have two different inventories and when you take the portal it's as if you logged off.
Archer isn't really viable as a main-damage thing. In this game, anyone can do everything, so everyone at "endgame" should be able to do everything.
Archery is like a side thing. You can absolutely kill people with archery, and it's your best tool on a boat if you're not a priest, but generally in like land fights, another guy going in there and weaving in and out dishing out swings with a spear is going to be at this point in the game 10x as effective as the guy with the bow hitting horses for 5's and 10's. Thank you in advance and I hope you have a great day. We have such a huge mix of veteran and completely new players. Everyone is out doing some sort of PvP nearly everyday.
Right now we could use more people in MR since we are the smallest kingdom and we have plenty of space for new settlements! Hey dude, feel free to PM me or msg me in game. Leeloodallas I'm MR as well and we can find you a good city to settle in. Added a new video now that Defiance is getting close to two months old.
An update on skills and what I carry around in PvP. Otherwise you can do some asking on zone chat. The last achievement I need aside from the glitched ones is for PVP kills. I don't know how I'm going to manage it! It was tortuous. I'm waiting until they finally lower the reqs to start at 4 people instad of 16, so I can finish those damn achievemnts.
No point on trying now. Question Just started playing today, wanted to try out pvp but no lobbies were open. Im playing from south africa is the distance maybe the problem? Or setting prehaps? Any info will be appreciated i have triedmany diffrent things to try in proove this lag issue Or im must kick ps3 out door and move over to xbox not sure though.
Contents What is PvP? Can I switch teams? What is PvP? PvP is Player versus Player. You can test your skills against other players, not against NPCs. Teams There are two teams fighting against each other. Utah If you're in team Utah, your armor and vehicle are orange.
Delaware If you're in team Delaware, your armor and vehicle are green. What's my team? You can see you are boosted when your EGO is written in yellow numbers. Those matches end when: One of both teams has 9. Too many weapons that will just one shoot you. When you will be at least 3k EGO you can try pvp. Its very fun sometimes. Especially with your clan or team of friends. Tried pvp with 80 ego, its not too bad, can still kill ppl, considering that this is mmo its pretty nice, keep in mind high ego ppl will take u 2 mags into head to kill though :D And you die from like half their mag.
Best tactic so far was getting onto that car with turret and play that way, it one shots anyone, or you can cap points, so far enjoying it even though im playing on gimped character. Feels a lot like battlefield multiplayer but with skills and levels, and some wonky weapons. PvP in defiance scales. Which means you're on a fairly even playing field. But, as weapons go, legendaries tend to dominate the field.
I've had a lot of fun in PvP and really enjoy it. But that's me.