Where is ospedale degli innocenti in ac2

User Info: neoKushan neoKushan 12 years ago 1 I'm very sorry if this has been answered before, I went back about 15 pages and couldn't find anything. It was one of the first landmarks I discovered but it was before I knew about the glitches, so I never grabbed it at the time and now I don't know what building it is.

I've looked around every dark grey building, but none of them look like the picture at all. If someone could just give me a rough idea of where the building is, I would be eternally grateful. User Info: JonyRico JonyRico 12 years ago 3 Its on the top right of the map in Florence and its in the square villa area its on top of the roof on the top right as well behind a small roof thing and beside a chiminey top.

Assassin Tombs Treasures [All Chests]. Assassin Tombs Treasures All Chests. Side Quest. How do I solve puzzle glyph "The Fourth Day"? How do I solve glyph puzzle "The Bunker"? Okay, so here's my problem, I visited every glyph location as the unlocked in the story, BUT when I came to the Mercato Vecchio, the glyph just spewed out the computer symbols like any other glyph but didn't surge into the puzzle like they normally do, it just kept glowing in eagle vision and making the sparkling noice that all the collectibles ingame make.

Figuring a save-quit-reload would fix it, I did that, but with no change. I figured I must have already done it and it was bugging on me, so moved on with the story. Swim underneath the Rialto Bridge to find a spider drawn on the east side. For puzzles like this, assume that the first row of paintings are numbered and the second row Pick For ring puzzles, you want to align the rings to complete a picture.

This puzzle's rings are independent of each other, so just line them up using the center piece to make it correctly. You'll have to do this three times. Scanning puzzles require you to find objects hidden in pictures. The first one here is in the desk, the second is between Houdini's head and the tank of water below him, and the last one is at the top of Gandhi's cane. Another scanning puzzle.

Look in the circular hole of the soldier's weapon in the first picture, then in the soldier's helmet across the street, then on a bayonet in the middle row of soldiers, and finally look for an Apple of Eden ablaze in the northeast. In the first set of paintings, pick In the second set, go with This one has four ring puzzles, and it's more difficult than before.

From now on, we'll try to assign rings numbers, with the innermost ring being Ring 1. These are independent from the others. You'll want to move Ring 4 to the right once, and then move Ring 5 to the right three times. Now that these are in place, move Ring 3 into position. Move it left four times, then move the others into place.

Move it left five times and then move the rest into place. Move the outermost ring Ring 5 left twice and then do the same for Ring 4. Then move Ring 3 into place so you can better identify how far you need to move Ring 2, and then position Ring 1 to fit everything else. For the set of paintings, choose In the picture, look right of Jesus to find a hidden Shroud of Eden. Select the staff in the first picture anywhere it lights up red.

The next target is Joan of Arc's sword, which is at her waist. Then move the fire in the bottom right corner towards Joan of Arc in the bottom left to reenact history, and then push the two remaining images together.

Scan Houdini's right side for an Apple of Eden, then in Gandhi's chest. The last puzzle here is new, a combination lock. The combination lock can be moved around but it isn't necessary to do so. Find a lunar lander out in space just a little to the left of the moon. The second puzzle is similar to the ring puzzle, which requires you to align the breaks in the rings to complete it. Move Ring 4 left six times, move Ring 2 left four times, and then move Ring 3 left until it matches Rings 2 and 4.

After that, move Rings 1 and 5 into place. When the ring is complete, look at the bottom of the final picture between the flag and the astronaut. Move your cursor into the light bulbs all over the planet, then look above the building's main doorway for a hidden picture.

Tesla will have an Apple of Eden in his lap. The gray 4 needs to match the red 1. The password is After you've done this, turn off all the lights and watch an elephant get electrocuted.


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