When is uaa tuition due

Staff members should discuss with their supervisor and faculty members with their dean or director. Please d o not come to campus. I nform Environmental Health and Safety at or via email. Regardless of whether you are vaccinated or not, if you come into close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID, inform UAA Environmental Health and Safety immediately at or via email to determine next steps. Will everyone need to wear masks at all times?

Yes, at this time masks are required, even if you are fully vaccinated. View the official UAA mask policy for information about exceptions and accommodations due to medical conditions or job-related hazards that would prevent mask use. Where are we allowed to eat and drink on campus? Eating and drinking are allowed in dining areas, common sitting areas, breakroom settings or outside. Extended periods of eating and drinking in a classroom are not allowed.

A mask may be removed temporarily to drink but must be put back on immediately while in classrooms. Will course participants need to remain at a 6-foot distance from others? Yes, as much as is reasonably possible. What will the room capacity be? T here will not be capacity limitations.

Instead, faculty will be allowed to manage the room with 6 feet of separation as much as reasonably possible. What happens if new mandates or orders later force a change in room capacity? Based on the order or mandate, we will respond by going to a hybrid, reduced capacity or online format for c lasses.

Faculty questions specific to course instruction are posted on the Academic Continuity website. If I get sick, will UAA refund my tuition and fees? UAA will follow normal procedures for refunds. Students will be provided the opportunity to take an extended Incomplete if needed. Students may also petition the Refund Appeal committee. Will classes be in person for the fall semester?

UAA will offer in-person courses. How do I know if my course will be online or in person? Course delivery methods are indicated in the class schedule in UAOnline. What is the difference between in-person, distance and hybrid classes? In-person classes require students to be physically present at a specific location for class. In-person classes will show a physical location in the class search in UAOnline. Distance classes are completed online from anywhere students have a reliable internet connection.

Online classes may or may not have set meetings days and times. Hybrid classes include both in-person and distance components. You will sometimes meet in person and other times meet or engage with the course online. The distance component of the course may or may not have meetings days and times.

Will the protocols change for face-to-face courses? Will my professor accommodate me if I need to quarantine? Class members will be informed through the contact tracing process to self-quarantine and will need to work directly with their instructor to complete any missed assignments.

Select online sections will be available for those who prefer them, but not all classes will be available online. How do I order textbooks and course materials for the fall semester? As of fall , the UAA bookstore is facilitated through an online platform powered by Akademos, a national leader in online and hybrid bookstore solutions. Seawolf gear and branded merchandise is still available for purchase online as well. Will the fitness center and Seawolf Sports Complex be open for fall semester?

Beginning Aug. Will there be intramurals? Are UAA buildings and facilities open? Do I need a WolfCard to access them? WolfCards will be required to access campus facilities since our buildings are not yet broadly open to the public. Will campus dining, housing, parking and common areas like coffee shops be open on Aug. All of these areas will be open and available to students, faculty and staff. More specifics will be made available on the individual websites. Dining and Shops.

What cleaning protocol is UAA using to combat coronavirus? As part of the university's cleaning and disinfecting plan, public areas, offices, public restrooms and classrooms with approved face-to-face instruction are cleaned daily.

The Facilities and Campus Services team deployed hand sanitizing stations at the main entrances of all facilities and in high-traffic common areas throughout campus. Sanitation wipes have been placed in numerous campus locations for use by university community members. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to actively participate in the disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces before and after use to help eliminate the virus that causes COVID Will parking passes be required for the fall semester?

Parking permits will be required. Enforcement will resume this upcoming academic year These discounts will reduce the overall cost of living on campus and help to combat hunger and food insecurity among the student population. Current Issue November Read Issue. Latest News. From the Digital Edition. In This Issue. November The plans available online will not calculate correctly when you make your monthly rent payments which can result in late fees.

Please contact the Office of the Bursar for more information or to enroll. It is now past the September 3rd deadline. Payment plans are open for enrollment, but if you still have a balance due a late fee may have been assessed to your account. You can check your current account balance on UAOnline. If you are not enrolled in a payment plan, you run the risk of possibly being dropped for non-payment. These plans are available in person or via email only. Contact the Office of the Bursar if you know you have financial aid or other payments that will pay your account balance in full, but it will be arriving after the tuition and fee payment deadline.

Students paying UAF monthly rent must contact the Office of the Bursar to enroll in an estimated plan. If you are registered for classes including late start classes prior to the payment deadline you need to be paid in full or enrolled in a payment plan by January 21st to avoid Late Fees.

These plans are available via email only. Do you owe a prior term balance and would like to discuss payment options? Please contact the Office of the Bursar for more information or email us at uaf-bursar alaska. UAF offers multiple options to help students purchase textbooks and supplies.


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