Dramatic irony. Extended Metaphor. Fairy Tale. Figures of Speech. Literary Device. Pathetic Fallacy. Plot Twist. Point of View. Red Herring. Rhetorical Device. There have been cases in modern literature of stories referred to as parables for their moral advocacy. The science fiction novelist Octavia Butler has written a "Parable" duology. Herbert Kanter has been writing professionally since His fiction has been published in "Novelletum" and in Polyphony Online.
Kanter holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from St. Eventually, a Samaritan came by and helped the injured and miserable man, without thinking about his race or religious belief generally, Samaritans despised Jews. Later, the traveler revealed himself to be the Christ.
The moral of this parable is to help all those who are in need, without having prejudice for anyone due to perceived differences. The author tells about the life of a silly and vain emperor, whom two cheaters approached, pretending to be artists. They suggested that he wear their clothes, which they said would make him invisible in front of incompetent and stupid people.
The emperor agreed, and paid them to make such clothes, as he enjoyed wearing fancy dress. In fact, they did not make any fancy suit; however, people started admiring them, so that they might not be considered useless and stupid. Therefore, the emperor took off his clothes and wore the invisible dress, which actually left him prancing around town naked.
Hence these stories are not just for any particular sect or the followers of particular faith, it is for the entire humanity, irrespective of their belief, culture, race, color or age. Parable means a short story that teaches a moral or spiritual lesson especially and one of the stories told by Jesus Christ and recorded in the Bible.
Here are more than parabloes which represent all forms of morality. Be Patient.