What is the difference between emotional health and mental health

Some of these elements may mesh together to the average person, but each one is crucial for normal activity. Finally, emotional needs relate to their stability of positive and negative emotions and avoiding an excess of either. Addictions can also cause many other side effects of weak mental health including insomnia, lacking energy, and mood changes. After defining mental health, you might think emotional health might just be the same as its emotional component; however, emotional health encompasses more than just the state of your feelings.

Rather, emotional health involves your ability to manage and express your emotions in a mature and appropriate manner. For example, your emotional health may be put into question if you tend to lash out angrily and violently.

These behaviors cannot be fixed overnight, but you can gradually work to improve them. If you tend to be more negative in everyday life, you can instead focus on more positive outlooks. Treating psychological health requires professional help from the outside by therapists and psychiatrists, while emotional health comes from inside yourself. Instead of accepting flaws in your emotions, pinpoint them and seek ways to improve said emotions and your corresponding behavior.

Though mental and emotional health can be defined differently, multiple qualities separate them from each other. For one, mental and emotional health process different parts of your mind and conduct. The state of your mental health reflects how well your mind processes information and experiences. On the other hand, your emotional health revolves around how you express your emotions based on those experiences. In a sense, your mental and emotional health handle especially different parts of your mind.

The importance of each one for your daily functionality may also surprise you. Though keeping both in good condition is important for an overall healthy life, one can thrive without the other. Likewise, a person can have perfectly functional mental health but struggle to convey their feelings properly.

Path to improved health Emotional health allows you to work productively and cope with the stresses of everyday life. There are many ways to improve or maintain good emotional health. Be aware of your emotions and reactions.

Notice what in your life makes you sad, frustrated, or angry. Try to address or change those things. Express your feelings in appropriate ways.

Let people close to you know when something is bothering you. Keeping feelings of sadness or anger inside adds to stress. It can cause problems in your relationships and at work or school. Think before you act. Give yourself time to think and be calm before you say or do something you might regret. Manage stress.

Learn relaxation methods to cope with stress. These could include deep breathing, meditation, and exercise. Strive for balance. Find a healthy balance between work and play, and between activity and rest. Make time for things you enjoy. Focus on positive things in your life. Take care of your physical health. We all have mental health that needs to be cared for. Some of us have a mental illness, or a mental health condition.

Mental illnesses affect our mental health. Which means, mental illnesses affect the way we think, behave, and feel. Paola — Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts. You bring up some valid points to think about. Not out to create a whole new definition — just get the discussion going.

Thank you for your contribution to that discussion. With newsreels and headlines cycling through widespread strife, feeling down seemed like an appropriate response. But I wondered: Where does healthy sadness end and unhealthy depression begin? Depression and anxiety are often accompanied by a debilitating feeling of shame. Being Human Means Having Emotions Psychologists have identified anywhere between 6 and 10 basic emotions experienced by humans.

Including an exercise regimen as part of your wellness plan can set you on the path to both physical and mental vigor. The following explanations further delve into such variations:. A person with a sound mind makes appropriate decisions, relates well with others, and functions productively.

On the other hand, an individual suffering from a mental illness generally cannot perform routine activities, have highly irrational thoughts and perceptions, think of harming others or himself, often feels confused or irritated, and consistently manifest other dysfunctional behaviors.

The most common types of mental illnesses include anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and schizophrenia. Emotional health is often connected with happiness, optimism, and resilience. Hence, some authors refer to it as an extension of mental health as having a positive emotional health means having a likewise favorable experience of wellness during both pleasant and unpleasant life events.

Moreover, emotionally healthy people know how to appropriately express their reactions and facilitate their behavior despite intense affective states.

As a result, they can better deal with stressful events, maximize their potentials, and perceive their lives as quite fulfilling. To achieve such, the following concrete practices are recommended:. Mental health is largely concerned with cognitive processes such as perceiving and deciding while emotional health is more focused on expressing feelings like anger, happiness, etc.

Mental health is usually associated with illnesses such as schizophrenia and mood disorders. On the other hand, emotional health often deals with less pathological concerns such as dealing with stress.

As the movement of Positive Psychology is usually associated with emotional states such as happiness, hope, and resilience, it is closer to maintaining emotional health. As for mental health, the related topics are often on various disorders and disabilities. Since mental health is more often connected with disorders, it is likewise more involved with medical assistance such as psychiatric or clinical psychological services.

In contrast, people who are having emotional health issues are more likely to consult counselors or life coaches. Though mental health is also related with social skills, emotional health is more closely associated with such interactions as it deals with pertinent competencies such as empathy, emotion regulation, and handling relationships.


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