Use this guide to learn more about the difference between an LLC vs. Appointing yourself registered agent for your company sounds like it might be the simplest solution, but in fact, it's not advisable.
Thinking about running your LLC from home? There are advantages and disadvantages to bringing the office home with you. Setting up an LLC is a great way for business owners to limit their liability for company debts. As spouses you will set up your company as any other two people would, but you have different tax options available to you.
Learn more about the advantages of a single-member LLC and how to set one up. What Does the Secretary of State Do? Get help starting your business. Learn More. Contents 3 min read Get help starting your business. About the Author Heather R.
Johnson Heather R. Related Topics. Facebook Twitter. This portion of the site is for informational purposes only. The content is not legal advice. The statements and opinions are the expression of the author, not LegalZoom, and have not been evaluated by LegalZoom for accuracy, completeness, or changes in the law.
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Minnesota Secretary of State. Steve Simon. Mississippi Secretary of State. Michael D. Missouri Secretary of State. Jay Ashcroft. Montana Secretary of State. Christi Jacobsen. Nebraska Secretary of State.
Bob Evnen. Nevada Secretary of State. Barbara K. New Hampshire Secretary of State. William M. New Jersey Secretary of State. Tahesha Way. New Mexico Secretary of State. Maggie Toulouse Oliver. New York Secretary of State. Rossana Rosado. North Carolina Secretary of State.
Elaine Marshall. North Dakota Secretary of State. Al Jaeger. Ohio Secretary of State. Frank LaRose. Oklahoma Secretary of State. Brian Bingman. Oregon Secretary of State. Shemia Fagan. Pennsylvania Secretary of State. Veronica Degraffenreid. Rhode Island Secretary of State.
Nellie Gorbea. South Carolina Secretary of State. Mark Hammond. South Dakota Secretary of State. Mobile Newsletter banner close.
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