How much valor can you get per week

This cap will increase by Valor each week, so in Week 2 the cap will be , in Week 3 the cap will , etc. Do you think the wording on this is very clear? Community General Discussion. We got an 5k valor headstart. No thanks. I thought exactly the same.

But the way you earn it is the same: you have a weekly cap, which increases each week. Use your Valor smart. Stagger it out, rather than going immediately to max level. In the second week of the patch it is 5,, third week it is 6, Valor, and so on and so forth. This will continue on for the full length of the season, which should mean until Patch 9.

Otherwise, there is no cap on how much Valor can be held, other than the cap on how much can be earned. Any gear that existed prior to patch 9. The gear will have 12 ranks, each rank corresponding to an ilevel. The item will have its ilevel on it, and will also state its rank.

There are restrictions on how far the gear can be upgraded. Yes, the gear can only be upgraded to ilevel in total, but along the way, there are other hurdles. At first, the gear can be upgraded to ilevel , with no limitations. This might be the main reason for Valor Points. However, this would help to gear up alts much faster, perhaps making them more appealing to play, and earn Valor Points of their own.

Sign in to follow this Followers 0. Recommended Posts. Stan 4, Report post. Posted March Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. Christocast 0. Posted May 8 edited. Edited May 8 by Christocast.

Posted May 8. Join the conversation You can post now and register later. Reply to this topic Go to topic listing. Recently Browsing 0 members No registered users viewing this page. Community Reactions to the 9. Not Great. The return of armor tier sets was one of the bigger announcements of 9. Most comments pretty much in agreement that these concept pieces actually look pretty awesome and would be worthy of the big return of tier sets: Those look genuinely impressive with my personal pick being the Warrior looking one, third on the second picture , have a heavy Shadowlands theme and were welcomed by pretty much everyone.

Unfortunately their actual in-game versions were not. I wasn't actively listening to the audio and thought these were some blues that dropped from the new zone, my jaw dropped when I realized these were the tier sets.

It amazes me how they just keep consistently dropping the ball. Seriously, who on the dev team thought sets with the same exact color scheme for all of the classes was a good idea? Ion mentioned that it was getting hard to create class based sets off every raid, but the thing he, and others on the team, seem to have missed or forgotten is that restrictions are the driving force of creativity, and seeing how they managed to make a set fit both the raid and the class was one of the coolest things about old tier sets.

Even if they missed the mark on some, you can tell they at least tried. With these, the concept art looks cool, but if you asked me to match each one up to a class, I could not do it for half of them, and the ingame result just makes them look like generic dungeon sets, only instead of 4 there is 12 of them.

Gonna be real I thought the demon hunter armor was the one set you get from Legion questing. Yea can't get excited about em either. The fastest way to farm Valor Points is to farm low-level Keystones. As of Patch 9. Any gear that existed prior to patch 9. Legendaries can now be upgraded to Rank 5 and Rank 6. Valor upgrade limitations are no longer account-wide and you must earn a certain Mythic Score Rating on your alts to if you want to upgrade Mythic Dungeon Gear in Chains of Domination.


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