Can i take colloidal silver with antibiotics

Any advice you can offer will be appreciated. I do make it at home. Particle size varies to as small as 0. Can anyone give me a guideline as to how much I need to ad to water to kill bacteria? I make it with distilled water and a generator I bought from Ebay. It has prevented me from getting the covid virus. It is safer than all of the pharmaceutical antibiotics.

I have been diagnosed with matasisized breast cancer with tumor deep in the chest wall and lymph node. Are there studies that Colloidal Silver has helped rid cancerous tumors.

Also any negative effects.? Keep seeking alternative therapy. Look into gerson therapy, Rick Simpson oil, I know there are many options out there.

Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. We would love to hear about your experience. The team wondered if all these effects together might make the bacteria less able to withstand antibiotics. And that is what they found: even at small doses, silver made the E. They found silver made a urinary tract infection of E. The team then tested the doses of silver they were using to check they were not toxic.

They found the levels they were using were far too low to harm the mice, and they also did not harm human cells.

While this suggests the doses they used would be safe to give either orally or by injection in human patients, Collins, who also leads the Center of Synthetic Biology at Boston University, says:. In this study it is the chemical property of silver that helps to make bacteria more sensitive to antibiotics.

Download citation. Published : 19 June Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials Advanced search. Skip to main content Thank you for visiting nature. Download PDF. Subjects Biochemistry Diseases Medical research Microbiology.

Ancient antimicrobial treatment could help to solve modern bacterial resistance. Silver may help in the fight against drug-resistant bacteria such as Stenotrophomonas maltophilia by easing large antibiotic molecules through the microbes' outer coating. However, in a ruling issued in , the U. Food and Drug Administration FDA said it was not aware of any substantial scientific evidence that supports the use of over-the-counter colloidal silver or silver salts for the treatment of diseases.

At the time, the FDA called for further research into its use. I believe the piece is a strong bridge to incorporate silver in clinical therapies after some more work regarding toxicity and pharmacokinetics what the body does to a particular drug.

There is no cure for argyria, but there are things you can do to prevent it from occurring or keep it from getting worse. Colloidal silver is a popular but controversial alternative therapy. This article details its potential benefits and side effects. Experts say some antibiotics can kill healthy gut bacteria. They recommend people eat yogurt and other fermented foods while taking the medications. Antibiotics are a common and important type of medicine that treats bacterial infections.


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