Are there new wives in dawnguard

To become Thane in Falkreath, the Dragonborn should talk to the local Jarl and perform three quests by helping out locals in the city of Falkreath. It's one of the easier Thane titles to gain due to how small the city is.

Rayya makes a solid follower and spouse, especially for players who need a tank-like companion. Moreover, Rayya's an essential character, meaning she can't actually die unless the Dragonborn lands the final blow. Iona is one of the best Housecarls in the game due to her slightly higher health pool compared to a few other Housecarls.

She's a Nord and will be appointed as the loyal servant of the Dragonborn once they become the Thane of Riften no less. After receiving the title, Iona can be found at Riften's Honeyside housing. Iona can either be used as a fantastic tank-like follower or as an archer, as she has high levels in both Archery and One-Handed combat. However, keep in mind that Iona's not an essential character and once she dies she's gone for good. If an Orsimer woman is one the Dragonborn is after and they prefer strength over beauty, Ghorza just might be the best marriage option in Skyrim.

Head over to the city of Markath in Southwest of Skyrim , and it should be easy to find Ghorza working as a blacksmith. In order to gain her trust, however, players need to help her retrieve a book. The book is located in Fort Sungard, which is overrun by Forsworn. Once the player returns, she'll grant them a boost in Smithing and also allows them to access any Orc Stronghold. Taarie may not have the best personality, but after marriage in Skyrim , she becomes much more loving and gentle.

Players will find her working at Radiant Raiment in Solitude as a tailor, and in order to stand a chance of marrying this Altmer woman , the Dragonborn needs to help her with the Fit For A Jarl quest. Taarie will ask the player to wear one of her outfits during their visit to the Blue Palace in an effort to persuade Jarl Elisif to order an outfit from her shop.

What's good about marrying her is that if the player has no house, they can use the Radiant Raiment as their temporary home. Maybe players have always dreamed of meeting an Argonian woman. If that's the case, Shahvee is a great option. She's usually working at a tanning rack by Windhelm Docks, where players can approach her and pick up a quest from her.

Shahvee's amulet has been stolen by bandits and is now being held in a random quest location. After clearing out the bandits and getting the Amulet of Zenithar back, Shahvee can be married, and she'll also reward the Dragonborn with a bit of Light Armor and Lockpicking training if they so wish.

In the Northwestern area of Skyrim , up in the mountains nearby the city of Solitude , players will come across one of the many Orc strongholds of Skyrim. She'll immediately express her envy towards the Dragonborn and says she'd like to adventure freely as well. Players can ask her to become their follower, but it will require some persuasion and possibly the payment of her dowry to free her from an arranged marriage.

Once she decides to come along with the Dragonborn she can be married. Camilla, an Imperial trader, is the most wanted woman in Riverwood.

Faendal and Sven are constantly bickering over who truly deserves to be with her, and even after the Dragonborn marries her she will be visited by Faendal regularly. That being said, if the player's heart stills beats for Camilla as well, head over to Riverwood and help her brother Lucan get back the golden claw from Bleak Falls Barrow.

Once players return safely from their mission, they can ask for her to become their spouse. Conveniently, if the player has no house to stay in they can live along with her at the shop in Riverwood.

Muiri is the victim of a terrible betrayal by her former friend and lover Alain Dufont, who she wants to see dead. After joining the Dark Brotherhood , the quest Mourning Never Comes is received from Astrid and will send the player to Markarth, where the woman is currently working as an apprentice alchemist.

Muiri will ask the Dragonborn to kill Alain, but if they also kill his accomplice Nilsine, she will offer her ring as an additional reward. Moreover, she will become a marriage partner in Skyrim if both Alain and Nilsine are assassinated. Not many companions are necessarily evil and ruthless in Skyrim , making Jenassa a unique wife in Skyrim.

It's evident from the moment the player interacts with her that she's incredibly sadistic and obsessed with killing. She's among the few companions that don't care if the Dragonborn makes questionable ethical choices, like attacking hold guards or killing innocents. The selection need not be permanent; relocation to any of the available homes is available at any time by initiating the appropriate dialogue with the spouse.

If the spouse is the Dragonborn's housecarl, "their house" is the applicable house of the Dragonborn that they are responsible for.

Once married, the behavior of the spouse changes. Most notably, the tone of voice and behavior changes and they will often refer to the Dragonborn as "love" or "dear" from that point on. However, if the Dragonborn marries one of their housecarls, the Dragonborn will still be referred to as "my Thane " using subordinate dialogue. If the Dragonborn's spouse relocates to a different city from where they originated to live in one of the Dragonborn's houses, they may indicate that they wish to become a shop owner to keep occupied while the Dragonborn is out adventuring.

Once a day, the Dragonborn can ask their spouse to cook something. The spouse will make a homemade meal , which increases the regeneration of Magicka , Health , and Stamina. However, this bonus cannot be obtained if the Lover Stone is activated a workaround can be used with the Aetherial Crown , or if the Blood Ritual has been taken to become a Werewolf.

If the Official Plug-in Hearthfire is installed, marriage can also include children. The Dragonborn's adopted child will also be adopted by the spouse, as well as instantly move into the house where the Dragonborn's new son or daughter is living.

This adds another dialogue option with the spouse allowing the Dragonborn to ask how the children are; it also adds generic dialogue to the child, where an activity will be mentioned that they both did together.

Note: Because spouses act as vendors, the Dragonborn can buy and sell items from them. However, if the spouse is a follower and asked to follow the Dragonborn, the spouse will only sell items from their inventory until they part ways. Spouses only act as merchants in the marital home, meaning items cannot be sold to them while they are following to reduce the carry weight, for instance. The marriage dialog option can be forced to appear on characters by opening the console, targeting the desired character, and typing the command " addfac 1.

A friendship must have been started with the character in the form of a quest, as their disposition which is a hidden stat needs to be of a certain level in order for them to recognize the Amulet of Mara.

Alternatively the command " setrelationshiprank player 4 " can be used after adding the person to the marriage faction. It is not possible to marry several of the people in the game, such as Ulfric Stormcloak. Trying to breakup with partners is impossible without the console commands. Searching for help "breakup" 4 will bring up dialogue and quests that show reference to what most likely was the original intention of breaking up with a spouse. The relationshipbreakup quest can be used.

PC Use the console to enter these commands:. This is just formality to reset the "marriage" quest. The above will prevent the Dragonborn from having to kill their spouse, although they will comment on how much even the thought of them makes their blood boil. Untested, but possibly setrelationshiprank player 4 can fix this. This section contains bugs related to Marriage Skyrim. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:.

Elder Scrolls Explore. Elder Scrolls Online. Events Characters Factions Locations Concepts. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Marriage Skyrim. View source. History Talk Do you like this video? Play Sound. This article contains video content produced by Fandom with some or no input from editors of The Elder Scrolls Wiki, and may not properly represent the scope of the written article below.

Statements and footage within the video may be inaccurate, outdated, incomplete, or otherwise misleading to viewers. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following: Please reload an old save to confirm if the bug is still happening. Categories Skyrim: Marriage Skyrim: Gameplay. Universal Conquest Wiki. Aela the Huntress. Jorrvaskr , Whiterun. Here are the steps to take if you want to marry Serana:.

After that, the final steps take place inside the game. You'll have to complete the main quest line in Dawnguard in order for Serana to be marriable. Once Lord Harkon has been killed, talk to Valerica and tell her it is safe to return to Castle Volkihar. Now, when you talk to Serana, you'll have the option to propose marriage, assuming you've found and are wearing the Amulet of Mara, of course. Marrying Serana works just like marrying any other NPC in Skyrim, so after proposing, go to the Temple of Mara to set up the wedding - and that's it.

You're now married to the spookiest lady in Skyrim. Kill the father, marry the daughter, what more could you want out of life? Your drying pan won't protect you from the wrath of societal cancellation, Brock. Eric loves board games, fan conventions, new technology, and his sweet sweet kitties Bruce and Babs. Who Is Serana? Share Share Tweet Email. Related Topics Guides Skyrim.


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