Doctors cannot cure polycythemia, so treatment tends to focus on symptom management. The main goal is to avoid stroke and deep vein thrombosis DVT , which is a blood clot usually occurring in a deep vein in the leg.
In some cases, dehydration causes polycythemia. When a person does not drink enough, their plasma levels drop, and this increases the proportion of red blood cells in their blood volume. A person can lower their red blood cell count by rehydrating.
Some conditions that can cause high hematocrit levels include :. When the lungs cannot absorb oxygen effectively and oxygen levels drop, the body compensates by making more red blood cells.
One common pulmonary disease causing this is COPD. Learn more about COPD here. To try and overcome the oxygen deficit the body produces more red blood cells.
Learn more about heart disease here. Sometimes kidney cancer cells create more erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is a hormone that tells the bone marrow to create more red blood cells. Learn more about kidney cancer here.
The JAK2 gene , which controls the number of blood cells made in the bone marrow, can affect certain conditions. When someone has a mutated JAK2 gene, the body could make a protein that signals the bone marrow to create more red blood cells than it needs. Learn more about genetic disorders here. A person should speak with a doctor if they are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above that could be a sign of high or low hematocrit levels, including fatigue, weakness, vision problems, and dizziness.
These symptoms can also indicate an underlying condition, so it is important that a person contact a doctor in a timely manner to prevent future complications. If a person is receiving chemotherapy treatment, a doctor should perform regular hematocrit tests to monitor bone marrow health.
A low hematocrit level means the are too few red blood cells in the body. In these cases, a person may experience symptoms that signal anemia. Common symptoms include fatigue, weakness, and low energy. If a person has too many red blood cells, they have a high hematocrit level. A person may experience dizziness and headaches, which can be a sign of the condition polycythemia.
Auto-antibodies may occur spontaneously, or in response to an inciting factor e. Blood-bank studies based upon the Coombs principles can generally distinguish autoimmune from non-immune causes of hemolysis. In healthy individuals, red blood cells survive in the peripheral circulation for approximately days. Senescent cells are continuously removed by the reticuloendothelial system and are replaced by maturing red blood cells that are released from the bone marrow into the peripheral circulation generally at the reticulocyte stage of development.
Conditions that reduce marrow erythropoiesis—even in the absence of hemorrhage or pathological destruction—can result in significant anemia. Nutritional deficiencies iron, vitamin B12, folate are common causes of reticulocytopenic hypoproliferative anemias, as are a several infections, including parvovirus.
The wide variability in the reported prevalence of anemia results, in part, from the lack of standard universal definitions. A high prevalence of anemia is observed in elderly inpatients and in nursing-home residents. The prognosis for a patient with anemia is generally determined by the underlying disorder, but can also depend upon the speed and accuracy with which the pathophysiology of the anemia is identified; this is particularly true for hemorrhagic and destructive causes of anemia.
Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology. Adamson, JW. Br J Haematol. N Engl J Med. Crit Care Med. Surg Gynecol Obstet. Am J Kidney Dis. Auerbach, M, Rodgers, GM. Nephrol Dial Transplant. Faich, G, Strobos, J. Arch Intern Med. All rights reserved. No sponsor or advertiser has participated in, approved or paid for the content provided by Decision Support in Medicine LLC. Show More. Login Register. We want you to take advantage of everything Cancer Therapy Advisor has to offer.
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Anemia Synonyms. Jump to Section 1. Description of the problem What every clinician needs to know Signs and symptoms Key management points 2. Emergency Management 3. Diagnosis Diagnostic tests Erythrocyte morphology Confirming the diagnosis 4. Specific Treatment Iron supplementation Refractory cases 5. Disease monitoring, follow-up and disposition Follow-up Pathophysiology Epidemiology Prognosis Special considerations for nursing and allied health professionals. This can occur if:.
Diseases and conditions that cause your body to produce fewer red blood cells than normal include:. Diseases and conditions that cause your body to destroy red blood cells faster than they can be made include:. Causes shown here are commonly associated with this symptom.
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Learn about the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and…. MCHC is the average concentration of hemoglobin in your red blood cells. Find out how a low MCHC level is diagnosed and what conditions it may point…. Sideroblastic anemia is a group of blood disorders. In all cases, the bone marrow has difficulty producing normal, healthy red blood cells. Normal hemoglobin levels can vary based on several factors, including age and sex.
The presence of Heinz bodies on a blood smear test indicates oxidative damage to the hemoglobin in red blood cells. Conditions associated with Heinz…. Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Why do I need the Hgb test? What are the ranges for the test results? What are the symptoms of low hemoglobin?
What are the causes of low hemoglobin? What are the symptoms of high hemoglobin? What are the causes of high hemoglobin?