Why do terrorist groups splinter

In Burkina Faso alone, casualties surged from about 80 in to more than 1, in , the number of displaced persons rose tenfold to about ,, and an additional 25, sought refuge in other countries, according to the U.

Continued insurrection undermines the credibility of governments and creates tensions among local populations while reinforcing existing conflicts. Mali, a country that had achieved impressive progress on democracy before the war in its north, has experienced three military coups in the last eight years, all linked to a sense that the government is not able to effectively address these insurrections.

However, if Western nations start seriously cutting their support to governments, insurrectionists could take control of large territories, more effectively connect with global movements, and become a global threat. For example, the Biden administration has recently reduced its support to the Somalian army fighting al-Shabab and according to officers in the field it has already translated into some territorial gains by the jihadi group.

Many lessons can be drawn from Afghanistan, and countries like France are starting to change strategies. Now we know that simply pulling the plug on security efforts can be disastrous, that development aid tightly controlled by Western governments tends to increase corruption and undermine local institutions, that ignoring the type of local governance mechanisms that have been there for centuries because we do not like or understand them backfires, and that pushing aside local actors we do not like only delays crisis.

Hopefully the United States and its allies will be able to reflect on some of these lessons and apply them as they approach their fights against jihadi insurrections in Africa. France is already trying to adjust its strategy in the Sahel. One lesson is clear for Western nations: just moving out does not resolve the problems. Order from Chaos. A how-to guide for managing the end of the post-Cold War era. Read all the Order from Chaos content ». Related Books. Afghanistan The good enough doctrine: Learning to live with terrorism Daniel L.

Order from Chaos A how-to guide for managing the end of the post-Cold War era. Foreign Policy West Africa. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! AWD members have also carried out violent acts at public rallies, including the August rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

In July , the co-leader of AWD, an American citizen, was banned from Canada by the Immigration and Refugee Board after it was determined that he was a member of an organization that has or will engage in terrorist activities. Comprehensive Research Institute, A.

Sogo Kenkyusho and Aleph. Description Formed in Japan in , Aum Shinrikyo Aum is a religious organization with a belief system that mixes various religions — primarily Buddhism — with science fiction and the prophecies of Nostradamus.

Aum aimed to control Japan, then the world, and subsequently create a global utopian society. Originally peaceful in nature, the group became increasingly dangerous and violent, seeking to actively bring about Armageddon. In Aum committed its first sarin attack against Japanese civilians by releasing the nerve agent in Matsumoto, killing seven people and wounding more than a hundred others. In its most infamous attack, Aum released sarin in the Tokyo subway system in , killing a dozen people and wounding thousands more.

As of , Aum continues to maintain facilities in Japan and Russia. Through their armed branch, Combat 18 C18 , the group has carried out violent actions, including murders and bombings. BKI activities include armed attacks, assassinations, and bombings. Description Boko Haram BH is a Salafist jihadist group operating in northern Nigeria whose ultimate objective is to overthrow the Nigerian government and implement Sharia Law.

The group desires a political system in Nigeria modeled after how the Taliban ruled in Afghanistan. Its tactics include small arms attacks, the use of improvised explosive devices, suicide bombings, and kidnappings.

BH conducted a suicide bomb attack against the United Nations compound in Abuja, Nigeria in August , killing 23 people. A few days later, in Nigeria, the group kidnapped schoolgirls. During the first nine months of , BH was responsible for nearly deaths in Nigeria, and approximately deaths in In many of its attacks BH used children, particularly young girls, as suicide bombers. Its goal is to overthrow the secular governments in the North Caucasus republics and establish an Islamic emirate governed under the Salafist interpretation of Sharia Law.

The Caucasus Emirate has carried out terrorist activities in Russia and the North Caucasus republics that range from ambushes with small arms, targeted assassinations using snipers, improvised explosive devices, and suicide bombings.

Since November , many of the network's leaders have switched their allegiance to the Islamic State. On February 22, , a Caucasus Emirate spokesman called for militants in Chechnya to target Russian infrastructure and military facilities. Description Founded in , the ELN's principal aim is to "seize power for the people" and establish a revolutionary government. The group believes foreign involvement in Colombia's oil industry violates the country's sovereignty and foreign companies are unfairly exploiting Colombia's natural resources.

ELN activities include kidnapping, hijacking, bombing, extortion, and guerrilla warfare. In its attacks, the ELN primarily targets the Colombian oil industry, political events, and political figures. On January 10, , the ELN conducted three bomb attacks against the Cano Limon oil pipeline; a grenade attack on a naval base in Arauca, which injured 2 soldiers; and a sniper attack, which killed a Colombian soldier near the Venezuelan border.

It has been responsible for attacks on Spanish and French interests domestically and abroad. ETA aims to create an independent Basque state that would contain the six Basque provinces of Spain and France, as well as the Navarra province of Spain. ETA activities include bombings, assassinations and kidnappings. In July , ETA claimed responsibility for the bombing of a police barracks in Spain which wounded at least 40 people, including 6 children.

In May , ETA officially dissolved. However, European authorities have continued to pursue criminal charges against former members of ETA. ETA is said to have killed over people and carried out some 1, terrorist attacks since its formation.

The FD is also active in parts of Afghanistan where it has fought mostly against anti-Shia Muslim or anti-Iranian groups. More than people were taken hostage during the siege, including three Canadians. FARC is guided by its goal of overthrowing the current government in Colombia and replacing it with a leftist, anti-American regime that would force all United States interests out of Colombia and Latin America.

FARC activities include bombings, hijackings, assassinations, and the kidnapping of Colombian officials and Westerners. In , after years of negotiation, the Colombian government signed a peace agreement with the FARC. Description Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, leader of the group Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin HIG , espouses an extreme Islamist anti-Western ideology with the objective of overthrowing the Afghani administration and creating an Islamic state.

Hekmatyar has declared his intention to wage jihad against foreign troops and interests in Afghanistan until all occupation forces are driven out. He has perpetrated indiscriminate attacks against civilians, government officials and foreign officers.

In July , Hekmatyar ordered his followers to fight against the Taliban in support of the Islamic State. Description Gulbuddin Hekmatyar's faction of the Hezb-e Islami, Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin HIG , espouses a radical Islamist anti-Western ideology with the objectives of overthrowing the Karzai administration, eliminating all Western influence in Afghanistan, and creating an Islamic state.

Hekmatyar's men were reputed to be the most effective mujahideen group to fight against the Soviet occupation and the most extreme of all Afghan fighters.

Drawing support from Pakistan, HIG now has a presence in much of Afghanistan and is an important component of resistance forces in the country. HIG is known to cooperate with Al Qaida and the Taliban, and has a history of engaging in terrorist activities including killings, torture, kidnappings and forcible detainment, and attacking political figures.

HIG often targets civilians, journalists, and foreign aid workers. On May 18, , after over two months of negotiations, Afghanistan's government signed a draft peace agreement with the HIG. Description Hamas, the Arabic acronym for the group Harakat Al-Muqawama Al-Islamiya, is a radical Islamist-nationalist terrorist organization that emerged from the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in It uses political and violent means to pursue its goal of establishing an Islamic Palestinian state in Israel.

Since , Hamas has been responsible for terrorist attacks against both civilian and military targets. Hamas has been one of the primary groups involved in suicide bombings aimed at Israelis since the start of the Al-Aqsa intifada in September In , Hamas participated in and won Palestinian parliamentary elections, leading to negotiations between the group and the Palestinian Authority over the establishment of a unity government.

In , however, Hamas overthrew the Palestinian Authority in the Gaza Strip and seized power of the coastal territory. Although the group's political leadership resides in Damascus, Hamas uses the Gaza Strip as a base for terrorist operations aimed against Israel. Description The Haqqani Network is an Afghan and Pakistani insurgent group described as one of the most powerful and violent organizations in the region. The immediate objective of the Haqqani Network is the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Afghanistan, and the re-establishment of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan through the overthrow of the Karzai administration.

Controlling the security environment in Afghanistan and cultivating the global Jihadist movement are also priorities of the Network. The Haqqani Network poses a significant local threat to Afghan and coalition forces, as well as innocent civilians in its area of operations. The Haqqani Network has been responsible for many of the highest-profile attacks in Afghanistan. According to official American estimates, Haqqani Network operations account for about one-tenth of attacks on coalition troops, and about 15 percent of casualties.

The Haqqani Network was the first group to adopt the use of suicide bombers for attacks in Afghanistan. The Haqqani Network specializes in coordinated attacks. It has carried out a series of tactically sophisticated complex attacks, often directly assaulting coalition facilities. HaS espouses an ideology which rejects a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine and calls for the destruction of Israel. HaS has fired rockets into Israel, including during the summer of , and targeted Israeli army patrols using explosive devices.

It seeks Pakistani rule for the Indian territory of Kashmir and also calls for a war against America and India. To achieve these objectives, HuM employs various methods that include hijacking as well as kidnapping and executing foreigners and Indian government officials.

The group has links with Al Qaida, and is also a signatory to the Al Qaida-issued fatwa religious decree against the United States and Israel. HASAM announced its existence on July 16, , when it claimed responsibility for an attack in Tameeya, Egypt, which left 2 policemen dead and 1 injured. Since then, HASAM has primarily targeted the Egyptian security apparatus, which the organization describes as enablers of the regime.

In addition to other attacks, HASAM claimed responsibility for the March 26, , bombing in Qalyubia governorate which wounded 5 members of Egypt's security forces; the May 1, , night time attack on an Egyptian police patrol which killed at least 3 policemen; and, the July 20, , shooting attack on a police convoy in which 1 officer was killed and 3 more were wounded.

Six months later, in January , JFS and four smaller groups issued a statement announcing their dissolution in favour of merging under a single group known as HTS. JN, which is now part of HTS, has claimed responsibility for nearly attacks — such as ambushes, kidnappings, assassinations, Improvised Explosive Device attacks and suicide bombings — in major city centers including Damascus, Aleppo, Hamah, Dara, Homs, Idlib, and Dayr al-Zawr. In March , 2 HTS suicide bombers attacked Damascus, killing at least 74 people, including 8 children.

More recently, on December 21, , HTS claimed killing 30 Syrian regime troops in a suicide bombing in Raffa, a town in the southeast of Idlib governorate.

Description One of the most technically capable terrorist groups in the world, Hizballah is a radical Shia group ideologically inspired by the Iranian revolution.

Its goals are the liberation of Jerusalem, the destruction of Israel, and, ultimately, the establishment of a revolutionary Shia Islamic state in Lebanon, modelled after Iran. Formed in in response to Israel's invasion of Lebanon, Hizballah carried out some of the most infamous terror attacks of the Lebanese civil war, such as the suicide bombings of the barracks of United States Marines and French paratroopers in Beirut, as well as the hijacking of TWA Flight While all other Lebanese militias disarmed at the end of Lebanon's civil war in , Hizballah continued to fight, waging a guerilla war against Israeli troops stationed in southern Lebanon.

Following Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon in , Hizballah attacks against Israeli forces continued, concentrated on the disputed Shebaa Farms area. In , Hizballah provoked Israel's invasion of Lebanon by kidnapping two Israeli soldiers and killing 8 others. On January 3, , Hizballah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah announced that the group was working "to obtain all kinds of weapons that would enable it to achieve victory in the next war.

Description Hizbul Mujahideen HM was formed in as a militant Kashmiri liberation group, when an armed insurgency against Indian rule first broke out in the Kashmir valley.

HM has launched attacks on Indian security forces, politicians, military targets and critical infrastructure within the newly formed territories of Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh. The group has also abducted and killed police officers, and informants. The IM is best understood as a label for a relatively amorphous, decentralized network that operates through a number of modules across India. The IM's stated goal is to carry out terrorist actions against non-Muslims, for their oppression of Muslims.

The group's primary method of attack is multiple coordinated bombings in crowded areas against economic and civilian targets to maximize terror and casualties. The group has also organized training in Pakistan with militant Islamist groups such as Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, a listed entity under the Criminal Code. The IM were found to have conducted a July 13, attack in which three explosive devices were detonated consecutively in separate locations in Mumbai, Maharashtra.

At least 22 people were killed and others wounded. As of , media reports suggest that IM has been trying to revive itself following a series of arrests of its key operatives, internal disagreement between leaders, and defections. Since , its members have been engaged in terrorist attacks, assassinations and bombings primarily against Indian political figures, but also against moderate members of the Sikh community.

The IMU has employed kidnapping, armed attacks against government installations, cross-border incursions, and coordinated efforts with other terrorist groups, such as Al Qaida. Other reports from indicate that one dissident faction continues to operate in Afghanistan and Syria.

The IMU has attacked Westerners and has declared its intentions to continue to work with groups with "similar objectives". Description The Islamic State is a Sunni jihadist group that seeks to sow civil unrest in Iraq and the Levant with the aim of establishing a single, transnational Islamic state based on Sharia Law, replacing the Iraqi and Syrian governments. The group was originally created in Jordan in the early s under the name Bayat al Imam.

Women recount horror of life under ISIS. ISIS survivor tells her story. Iraq forces and ISIS exchange gunfire. ISIS' battle tactics. ISIS hates this religious group the most. Iraqis recount horrors of being human shields for ISIS. ISIS calls on Saudi supporters to kill relatives. Iraqi town suffering from ISIS chemical attack. Started as an al Qaeda splinter group. Read More. The group implements Sharia Law, rooted in eighth-century Islam, to establish a society that mirrors the region's ancient past.

ISIS uses modern tools like social media to promote reactionary politics and religious fundamentalism. Fighters destroy holy sites and valuable antiquities as their leaders propagate a return to the early days of Islam. ISIS's revenue comes from oil production and smuggling, taxes, ransoms from kidnappings, selling stolen artifacts, extortion and controlling crops.

June 7, - Zarqawi is killed in a US strike. June 28, - Iraqi Kurdistan restricts border crossings into the region for refugees. June 29, - ISIS announces the creation of a caliphate Islamic state that erases all state borders, making Baghdadi the self-declared authority over the world's estimated 1.

The group also announces a name change to the Islamic State IS. ISIS declares 'Caliphate' June 30, - The Pentagon announces the United States is sending an additional troops to Iraq , bringing the total US forces in Iraq to nearly Troops and military advisers are sent to Iraq to support Iraqi security forces and help protect the US Embassy and the airport in Baghdad.

July - ISIS takes control of Syria's largest oilfield and seizes a gas field in the Homs Province, storming the facility and killing dozens of workers. Militants conquer a mile stretch of Syrian towns , from Deir Ezzor to the Iraq border. In Mosul, they blow up Jonah's tomb , a holy site dating back to the 8th century BC.

More than 30, Yazidi families are stranded in the Sinjar Mountains. A Yazidi lawmaker says that men have been killed, 70 children have died of thirst and women are being sold into slavery. US President Barack Obama authorizes "targeted airstrikes" if needed to protect US personnel and prevent potential genocide of minority groups. The apparent executioner speaks in the same British accent as the man who purportedly killed Foley.


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